Chapter 2. The News.

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"Last night a young 13 year old girl named Brea Kircksey was murdered in the west brazillian woods around 7:30. She was last seen with friend Jennifer Rodriguez. Jennifer was proven not-guilty of murder once police did a biopsy on the body. They found no finger prints or weapons on/ around the body."


Jennifer sat up in bed and turned off her tv. She had a bad headache. Looking at her nightstand, she grabbed the empty bottle of extra strength excederen and threw it across the room. "Ugh." She said getting out of bed.

Jennifer was wearing long night pajama pants, and a tank-top. Her hair was tied up in a messey but stylish bun. She walked to her private bathroom and looked into the mirror. Not openning her eyes, she pulled the scrungie out of her hair and ran her fingers thru her silker wavy hair. She was a brunette.

Once she opened her eyes, she almost fainted. Her eye color had changed from a beautiful dark chocolate, to a weird mysterious rainbow! A RAINBOW! Shaking her head and rubbing her eyes, she couldnt believe it. She was used to her eye color changing, but not like that! Once she opened her eyes, they were back to normal.


Something she wished she could be.

Relieved, and a little weirded out, she flopped on her bed. Slowly drifting off to sleep, she happened to glance at her clock. IT WAS 9:40! Just a few minutes ago it was 6:30!

Hurrying, she picked up her bag and pulled her hair back. She had forgotten she was in her pajamas.

Good thing, the bus was late and her best friends Dshealyn and KArima was already there.

Looking at Jennifer up and down, they turned to each other and said "Oh hellz Naw!"

"We cant be havin' our girl lookin' like this!" Dshealyn said rummiging thru her book bag. Jennifer slapped her forehead. DANGIT she thought. She forgot to change. Pulling out a slim fit minni dress, jennifer changed intime for the bus. Luckily her shoes and hair matched the dress. Thanks to karima and dshealyn's assecories, she looked decent.

No one said anything about Brea. Didnt even notice she was gone. Which was weird because she was actually kinda popular and hung out with everyone. The only person who acted differently was Ryan. He looked at me scornfully all day.

What was up?

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