Chapter 10. Didnt Know I Had It In Me.

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Oh Come on! I had to say something to calm them down. "Come on guys, we have to remain calm. You powers, Angel. Didnt work. But those are against yours. Maybe mine will work!"

Angel looked at me in a hopeful, yet scared look. I was still kindof upset she didnt tell me she was my sister. It wouldve helped me out alot. Maybe she was protecting me? From this maybe. Maybe from the serpent people thingies. I dont know. But hopefully, I can be a little less stubborn and get us out of this.

"You can try." Angel mumbled. "But I doubt it will work. Ive been working with my abilities forever. If mine wont work. Maybe yours wont niether."

"Well, knowing KEonna, she never thinks anything all the way thru. Maybe, she knew YOU had the powers, and made this room out of something YOU might have been alergic to. Maybe thats whats blocking your powers." Angel Looked as if she was thinking. "Well, I am allergic to cinnamin." Now it was my turn to think. I bent down in the corner of the room.

Sure enough, there was a brownish-redish powder in all four corners of the room. I slid my finger around the floor. I sniffed the powder slowly, and carfully. Yep! Cinnamin.

I got up and wipped my hands on my jeggings. "Well, I'm not allergic to cinnamin!"

"Okay!" Angel said scrambling up from the floor, the mist was rising. Now to our ankles. "Hurry! Concentrate! You can do this Jenny! I believe in you..."

With that, Angel put her hand on my shoulder. No, not a power transfer or what ever, but I felt a strange power inside of me.

Confidence, something I havent felt in a very long time. I loved it. And if this new "confidence" worked, then I think that I can get us out of here.

Sure enough, I did. We Were out before Keonna even noticed!

Oh So Fly Me ;D


Just a little teaser ! Your going to L.O.V.E Chapter 11 !

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