Chapter 6. KorKoi Knows....

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"Hey babe....Yeah I would love to go with you. ....Yeah I gotta pick up some rope....Okay. 7? Okay. See ya babe. Love you to. Byebye"

Once I hung up the phone I had to find the sexiest outfit. I was going with Chris to the Cut. (A teen club) and of course I gotta look fly for my mans.

I rumaged thru my closet muttering to myself.

" pink. No to loose....No not revealing. AHH! Perfect!" I pulled out a sexy shimmering red dress. I had had it for years. IT was tight!

And not tight as in awesome (even though it was) but tight as in cutting off my blood circulation. But hey, Beauty has its prices right?

Once I put it on, all of my curves showed. Twirling in my oversized mirror, I looked at every aspect. It was hot.

I straightened my hair. Which took about an hour. It was 6 o clock. Make up--a must!

I applied shimmering deep red onto my lips (I know, no hot pink. But tonight, it was dangerous to wear any hot pink)

I dug thru my jewelery box. I finally found my ruby hoop earings. A little eyeliner and mascara....And wala!

I look 20! "Wow...impressive" KorKoi says standing at my door.

"What...what are you doing here?" I stuttered stuffing the rope into my dresser.

KorKoi had a threatening look on her face.

"Look keonna, I know it was you."

"Me? Me what?" I smirked. I was a good lier.

"I know you poisoned Joi and them. I dont know why I hadnt reacted to it, but Im here and healthy! ONce I figure this out, you're going to jail! And going to be taken care of, for good this time!" Wait! Did KorKoi just threaten me? Apparently she has no idea what Im capable of.

"Look little girl, you have no idea what I can do to you." I pulled a small dagger out of the same dresser. I look curiously at it. I slid my fingers around the edges.

"If anyone finds out about my little....Mix up....Youll be next!" I pointed the dagger at KorKoi's neck and lightly brushed it at her skin.

She was scared.


What the heck? What was going on?


I lead KorKoi out the front door. Half way turned around, I called back to her.

"Oh and KorKoi." She stopped in her tracks, but didnt turn around.

"I'll be watching!" With that, KorKoi ran off. I angrily picked up my phone and called Chris.

"Ayye babe. I think we're going to have to cancel the cut.....We have a problem....KorKoi knows...

KorKoi Knows....

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