Chapter 3. What JustHappened?

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I like this chapter(:

Im gonna kinda "steal" my friends idea and put it in the person's eperspectve (kayla and dshealyn i hope tis is okay!)



Wow, I got invited to Joi's party? One of the most popular girls in the 7th grade?! Dang!

I mean, this must be a joke!

Its not like i dont have friends....I know most of the people in school. ITs just Im not the type Joi actually reconises. DaPria, KorKoi, Keonna and Ava are more of her type. Even Karima. But anyways, I am so happy! But I have NOTHING to wear! Oh my Jacob!(Twilight fan team jacob). What am I gonna wear?! I dont want anything to revealing, but I dont want to be the wimp of the party.

I'll ask Angel.

Angel is my next door neighbor. She always goes out to teen parties. She's a phycic. She doesnt think I know, But I do.

DING DONG. I ring the door bell. "Come in Jennifer!" I hear her yell from her room. Her room has to be the coolest around. With blueflashing lights everywhere, you would think you were always at the latest teen club. She was dressed in a cut up white tank top, with a black un cut one underneath. Black skinnyjeans and white converse(hightop of course) She looked Awesome!

"Hey Angel."

"Hey...What do you want?" She snorted. I dont think she was trying to be mean...but it sounded....snobbish.

"Well Im going--" "To a party?" She finished my sentence.

"Yeah, and I need...---" "A awesome outfit?" See? Told you she was phycic.

"Yeah....think you could help me out?"

She eyed me up and down. Hallelujah. My fashion guru.

By the time I was done, I had to say. I looked pretty damn sexy!

My hair was clipped up in a messy bun, my side bangs flipped over my left eye. My eyes had light tan eyeshadow with heavy eye liner and mascara. My lips a glossy soft pink. Alight red blush highlighting my cheek bones.

I was wearing a white crop top with a black tanktop underneath. The crop-top read "Kiss me, Im Spanish(:" With a huge black lip print. I was wearing white skinnies and some black high heels. I had on blue and black bangles and huge black and blue zebra print earrings.

I had on white sandles with my finer and toe nails french painted.

Like I said. Fashion Guru. "Call me if you need anymore help!" Angel said applying more makeup to her already heavily made up face. I walked out of the room as happy as can be. "Okay!" "OH WAIT!" Angel yelled running after me, hands behind her back. "I almost forgot!" She wrapped a beautiful Black Topaz necklace around my neck. It tied the outfit together.

"If anything is damaged or messed up when I get this back..." Angel threatened looking at me. Her threatining tone softened and she smiled. "You know what...Go out andhave fun. Keep the outfit(:" She said.


I got a ride from my mom in her convertible. I was bright red. BRIGHT red.

I walked in and remembered how HUGE Joi's house was. DAMN! Is all I could think.

Joi walked up to me with KorKoi and Keonna traveling along.

KorKoi looked nice. She had on a mini dres with a flairing sweater. All purple of course. She had on black glistening sandels and HUGE purple earrings. Her short hair glowing and had normal pink glistening lips.

Keonna, wearing hot pink everything. Looked cool. She had shoulderlength black hair. Hotpink lipgloss. And a mini dress. Same as Korkoi.

Joi wore all white. Well, I think. The flashing lights changing color every 5 seconds made it hard to determine the colors.

She had a flairing tube top with the same white skinnies as me. Same sandles. But white. Only, my hair was way longer than hers.

Had Angel set me up? I thought Joi was going to kirk once she saw my outfit. Surprisingly, she didnt. What was up here?

"Heyy Jenniii!" Joi yelled. She was known for being loud.

"Um. Hi." I had noticed alot of the popular crowd here. None of the people I knew.

"Dont be so champ! Loosten up!" Joi's breathe smelled like alcohol. Once I payed attention, KorKoi's and Keonna's did to. "Yeah!!!" KorKoi and Keonna said clapping to the beat of the music. I swear they were into each other! (JK)

I didnt want to be here. Next thing I know, we were playing truth or dare.

"Uhm, I have to go to the bathroom." I used as an excuse.

"Ok, last door on the right. But hurry back, we're about to start!" KorKoi exaclaimed.

I ran into the bathroom and shut the door. I pulled out my phone and called my mom. "Ah, Mama! Yo quiero ir a casa ... AHORA" I said as seriously as I could. I paused listenning to my mom. "Uf, Ok. Nos vemos en un poco"

My mom said she was already on her way, but traffic is backed up.

When I got back in the room, they had already started.

I heard my name. "uh, Huh?" I said confused.

"Truth or dare Jennifer!" Keonna said impatiently. She had repeated it for Jose. I hated Jose.

Knowing I would get called a wimp if I chose truth, I went with dare.

"Dare." I said, hoping they werent to extreme.

"I dare you..." Jose started looking around the room. He saw Mario. He liked me. Not so much for me. "I dare you to go 7minutes in heaven with MArio!"

Jose's a Dirty bitch! Ugh! Why the hell would he do that?! "But!" I tried to protest. But they pushed me in there anyway.

"So..." MArio started.

I looked at him so annoyed and furious He leaned in twords me. I scooted back. Then he traped me in the corner. "Mario! MOVE!" I yelled! I pushed him. He stumbled back against the wall.


Shocked, I yelled "Why dont you like me!?" I was enraged. This one girl, I really like, doesnt like me! Well, im really used to rejection. I dont know why I wont give up on her!

"I dont like you like that Mario!" I could tell she knew they locked the door. She didnt try to get out.

I got mad. I had anger issues. I grabbed her arm and yelled "WHY!?" I didnt hear the others out side. I think they passed out from all the vodka. It had been well past 7minutes.

She tried to get away. I held her arm tighter.

"Mario. Stop get off of me." She hit me. But not hard. I got mad still.

I slapped her across her face. HARD.


He hit me! My cheek burned.

I started crying. I could see he regreted it. "Jennifer Im sorry" He gently pulled my arm.

I harshly pushed him away. "DONT YOU TOUCH ME!" The others had definitly passed out.

I crawled to the other end of the closet. Him still at the other end. I covered myself in coats. I knew MArio wouldnt try anything.

I texted my mom. "Mama, estoy durmiendo en la casa de Joi." She didnt reply. But she didnt come neither. She was sleeping.

I cried myself to sleep.

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