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Kaminaga got a glimpse of Megumi's blushing face from the corner of her eye, and she grinned. 'Adorable.' She thought to herself, hiding her giggles behind her hand.


After navigating their way through the detention center, the four students, along with Fushiguro's shikigami, found their way into a large, metal room, where they stumbled upon three corpses that were lying up against the wall. Itadori jogs over to the dead bodies, while the other three simply trail after him.

"Ah.." The pink-haired boy mumbled as he kneeled, getting a closer look at the dead bodies, specifically the one in the middle.

"Atrocious." Nobara grimaced, scrunching her nose up in disgust.

Mei's eyebrows furrowed as her hands clutched onto the fabric of her skirt, silently staring at the dead bodies with a narrowed gaze before promptly lowering her eyes to the floor. She couldn't look at them anymore. The longer she stared at the corpses, the more uncomfortable she became.

"That's... three people, right?" Megumi asked as he took a step closer to Mei.

The girl nods her head in reply. "..Mhm."

As Itadori examined the bodies carefully, he noticed a nametag on the one in the middle. The nametag read 'Okazaki Tadashi.'

'Is Tadashi... Is my son Tadashi all right?!'

"Let's take this body back." The pink-haired boy said as he pulled the carcass up by its nametag.

"Huh?" Kugisaki looks up at Itadori with a repulsed look on her face.

"It's that woman's son." He responds, letting go of the body's nametag.

"But..." The brunette murmured, unsure of what to say.

"His face isn't too badly mangled," said Itadori. "His mother won't accept it if we tell her he's dead, but we don't have a body.

"Itadori," Mei called out as she shuffled towards the pink-haired boy, about to place a hand on his shoulder. "I don't think that's a good idea," but then a certain ravenette interrupts her.

"We have to find and verify two more." Fushiguro interjects, coming up to Itadori from behind and yanking him back by the hood of his uniform. "Leave it." He said with a stern tone. Kaminaga blinks twice, slightly irked by Megumi's interruption, but she manages to stay calm.

"Quit joking around!" Itadori yells, looking back at Megumi. "We turned around, and the way we got in here was gone! We won't be able to come back for it later."

"I didn't say to come back for it! I said to leave it behind!" The ravenette yells back, annoyed by how stubborn Itadori was acting. "I have no intention of risking my own life to save someone I had no intention of saving in the first place!"

"No intention of saving him? What do you mean?!" Itadori grabs Megumi by the collar of his shirt.

"Please stop fighting you two; now isn't the time or place to be bickering like this. We have a mission to finish." The noirette tries to reason with her two male classmates, but her words fall on deaf ears.

"This is a juvenile detention center. Jujutsu sorcerers are granted access to all information about the scene beforehand." Megumi explained. "This Okazaki Tadashi hit a little girl on her way home from school while driving without a license. It was his second offense of driving without a license." Itadori's breath shudders. "I know you're stuck on saving lots of people and guiding them to proper deaths, but what are you going to do when someone you saved kills someone in the future?"

She Shines Eternal (JJK x RaidenMei/Shogun! OC)Where stories live. Discover now