chapter 1

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~ Nick's POV ~ 

Charlie and i walk into the school together, we're in the same form and i'm glad we are. Starting the stressful schoolday with Charlie by my side is so much better. 

I don't feel so good lately, but i decided i should go to school because i don't want to miss so much of the lessons and the homework. I've been getting dizzy a lot lately, lightheaded and weird pains. I don't know, it's probably nothing so i'll be fine going to school today. 

When we're sitting in form together, Mr. Farouk walks in and he wants us to work on a week schedule to plan learning for our exams. As we're working my chest starts acting up. I get chest pains making it hurt to breath, but i'm trying to brush it off. 

I take a few deep breaths and carry on with my work.

Not a long time later everything becomes a blur. Everything i wrote is just one big blur and the letters are looking weird to me, i can't even see what i wrote anymore. 

I thought maybe i'm just hungry? I opened up a snack and i ate and drink something hoping it'll make me feel better. Eventually it does a little. I close my eyes for a few seconds and the letters turn back to normal. 


We've been studying for like 45 minutes now and that all too familiar chest pain comes back. I try to take a few deep breaths like i did earlier, but it doesn't seem to help now. Shit.

I think Charlie notices my body language change, "Nick, are you okay? what's wrong?" "nothing just some chest pains i'm fine" "that doesn't sound fine babe" "it's-" i try to speak but a massive wave of pain rushes trough my chest and i cramp up and grab my chest in pain. Tears fill my eyes quickly. 

"Nick?! What's going on?!" Charlie asks me with panic written all over his face and so much worry in his voice. 

I start gasping for air, not being able to breath or talk. Charlie gets Mr. Farouk to our table and they both look at me with panic in their eyes. "Nicholas are you okay?" Mr. Farouk says. I shake my head no and gasp for more air. I feel fucking light headed. 

"Class is dismissed! Everyone can go now!" Mr. Farouk yells through the classroom and everybody leaves so now it's just Charlie, Mr. Farouk and me sitting in the classroom. 

"Nicholas do you need water? anything?" I shake my head no again. "Nick, i think you're having a panic attack. Can you breath with me?" Charlie asks. I shake my head no again, i need to tell them this is not a panic attack, something is really wrong. But i can't tell them because i can't fucking talk! 

I decide to get my phone out and type on it 'it's not a panic attack, something is really wrong, i can feel it"

Charlie reads it and i see more panic wash over his cute face. Mr. Farouk reads it too.

I scream in pain when another wave of chest pains rush through me. My whole body tensed up and i'm crying from this immensive pain, i'm getting more and more lightheaded and dizzy too. shit. shit. shit. what the fuck is going on. 

"Nicholas do i need to call an ambulance?" Mr. Farouk says to me in a panic. I immediately nod my head yes and he does so. 

Charlie holds me in my arms, "it's going to be okay Nick, whatever is going on."


I bite my lip trying not to scream in pain, i gasp for air and i feel like i'm going to pass out any minute because i'm so light headed. I'm still holding my chest in pain and Charlie and Mr. Farouk are in panic mode and to be honest, me too because i don't fucking know what's going on with me. 

I'm curled up on the chair and i feel like i can't even hold my head up anymore. "babe do you feel like you're going to pass out?" Charlie asks and i nod my head yes. Mr. Farouk and Charlie help me on the floor and lean me against a wall so i can't fall off the chair. I lean my head against the wall because it feels too heavy to hold it up on my own. 

Charlie sits next to me and lets me lean against him. I'm still bawling my eyes out and gasping for air, but nothing goes into my lungs.

A few minutes goes by and it honestly felt like an hour but it wasn't. The paramedics finally arrive and two ladies rush in. Mr. Farouk immediately stands up. "Hi i'm Nina and this is my collegue Sofia, what's going on?" Nina asks while kneeling down in front of me. "His name is Nicholas Nelson, or just Nick, he's experiencing chest pains, he can't breath, dizziness, he's lightheaded and he feels like he's going to faint" Mr. Farouk answers.

"Nicholas can you tell us what you feel like?" Nina asks me. I shake my head no and gasp for air while another wave of even more pain rushes through me. I cramp up and scream in pain while gasping for more air. Suddenly my ears start ringing loudly and everything turns black.

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