chapter 9

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~ No one's POV ~ 

Daisy makes sure Nick can breath in the position that he's laying in right now and then she doesn't touch him anymore. Jack and Daisy let the seizure wear out but it takes awhile. Nick is breathing weirdly and really shallow and his whole body is shaking a lot.

After a few minutes the seizure starts calming down, Nick is still unconscious. "okay that was unexpected we need to run more tests for this" Jack tells Daisy. "yes we should as soon as possible and we need to let his mom know." Daisy adds while they wait for Nick to wake up. 

Another few minutes pass and Nick starts waking up again. 

~ Nick's POV ~

I wake up feeling really drowsy and confused but also a bit scared. Where am i? What happened? Why do i feel like shit? Where is Charlie? What am i doing here? I don't know why but i'm not able to talk and ask all these questions that i want the answers to so i just look around in complete confusion. 

I have all these wires on me that lead to different machines, but why?! Everything hurts and i feel really trapped. I start tossing and turning trying to get out of this room i'm in and i rip off the wires. They hurt, they itch, i don't want any of them. 

As i'm trying to rip of the wires i get stopped by two people. A man is holding my hands that way i can't get the wires off me but i try to push him off anyways. This other lady is putting everything i ripped off back on me but i try to resist. It doesn't work and i start crying. What is going on??!

"It's okay Nick, you're okay now. Calm down. Do you know where you are?" the woman asks me and i shake my head no, feeling so confused and scared. Why do i not remember anything right now?! My brain just feels empty and i don't know a single thing about what's going on.

I have the hardest time trying to keep my eyes open while they put me back on my side. "w-wha-t's g-go-ing o-on?" i manage to ask after some time of trying to wake up had passed. "your heartrate got really high and you passed out. After you woke up you passed out again and you started having a seizure, so it's normal you feel confused right now. It takes a little time but you will start feeling better." the man tells me. 

I slowly start recalling what happened and where i am and why i'm here. My anxiety rises thinking about everything that's happening to me. I'm so scared, why can't they figure out what's wrong with me? 

"deep breaths Nick, we need to keep that heart rate low" Daisy says to me. "can i sit up please?" i ask and both Jack and Daisy help me sit up. I take a few deep breaths and try to calm down. "what's happening to me?" i ask feeling scared.

"We don't know yet, but we promise you we're going to figure everything out" Daisy tells me while smiling. Something about Jack and Daisy feels so much better then other doctors, they slowly giving my trust in doctors back. 

"we want to do a MRI scan, a CT-head scan, an ECG for your heart and a x-ray from your heart and lungs." Jack tells me, i don't know what all those things are so that terrifies me but i decide to nod. "if there's no needles involved then i'll be fine" i admit feeling scared. "no needles" Daisy says to me smiling and i let out a breath. 

My mom and Charlie come back in the room after Jack told them what happened and i hug them. I feel so bad for scaring them like this, they look absolutely terrified. I lay back on the bed starting to doze of "Nick we need to take you to your tests you really need to try and stay awake for a little bit longer" Jack says to me. I nod my head and try to feel more awake. My mom and Charlie both give me another kiss before i get taken to all the scans i'm about to do. 


After i've done all the tests i get back to my room where Charlie and my mom were waiting for me. My mom is asking Jack all kinds of questions about the tests but i can't focus on it and feel myself slowly falling asleep.

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