chapter 12

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~ Nick's POV ~ 

Some time passed and i feel better again, my head is still pounding a little bit but if i hit my head then i guess that's normal for now. I do feel really hungry, which makes me dizzy "should we eat breakfast please?" "do you think you can stand up?" Charlie asks me while he looks at me in worry.

"Can you help me up? I just need food in me i think so i want to eat" Charlie helps me up and sits me down at the table and we eat our breakfast together. Charlie ate almost everything and i'm proud of him. "What?" Charlie asks with a shy smile. I didn't realise i was staring until he snaps me out of my thoughts. "I'm just so proud of you" I smile and Charlie blushes, he's adorable.


We've been cuddling on the couch all day and watching movies. Charlie wanted me to take it easy and basically refused me to do anything today so i'm stuck on the couch. I'm not complaining too much, because Charlie has been in my arms the whole day and i love it.

But i do want to get up and do something, my body wants to move. I've been stuck in the hospital and now i'm finally home so i want to use that "Char should we walk Nellie?" Charlie sits up and looks at me with an 'are you serious' look and i try to ignore it. "Nick i don't want something to happen to you, we shouldn't walk around and play with Nellie right now." Charlie is so stressed, i hear it in his voice and i just wish i could take that away from him. Or convince him somehow that i'm okay.

"Baby, i know you're worried and stressed out that something will happen to me. But i can't just stay home the rest of my life just in case something happens. And i would really like to walk around for a little bit together. We'll bring my emergency medication, just in case okay?" i can see him hesitate but eventually he gives in and i jump up from the couch excited "Nick! Please be careful!" Charlie panics and i take a deep breath and chill out "sorry Char."


We've been walking to the park together and now we let Nellie off her leash and she's running around like crazy, i'm glad to have some fresh air, it feels good. 

Charlie and i sit down on a bench while Nellie is running happily through the whole park, i rest my head on his shoulder when a wave of exhaustion hits me out of nowhere. We've been walking for like 20 minutes, how am i already exhausted?! 

"Are you okay?" Charlie asks worried and i try to calm him down "yeah i'm just tired, but i'm okay" "do you want to go home?" Charlie asks and i shake my head no "i love the fresh air, i want to stay here" i say while enjoying the weather and the sunset. Charlie kisses the top of my head and i snuggle into him further.

We sit in silence for a couple minutes and then i start to feel dizzy, i sit straight up hoping that'll help. I feel bad to scare Charlie but i promised him i would tell him when i didn't feel good "okay maybe i'm not okay Char, i'm feeling dizzy" i admit and he looks at me with panic all over his face. 

"Do you want your medicine?" "i can't Char, i'm not allowed until i passed out once" "oh uhm, i don't know what to do Nick, i hate that i can't help you" "lets go home" i say wanting to lay down now. "Nick i'm not walking 20 minutes to your house when you feel dizzy and could pass out any minute now" Charlie panics and i can't lie, he has a point. It's better to sit here for a moment instead of walking home.

"Yeah you're right lets just stay here for a little, do you have some water?" Charlie hands me a water bottle and i drink it while taking deep breaths, really hoping i don't pass out but i'm scared i will.

~ Charlie's POV ~

Nick is not doing good and i know he wants to hide it the best he can, so he doesn't freak me out but i can tell he doesn't feel right. I knew we shouldn't have left the house with Nellie. He just got released from the hospital and we're playing in the park like nothing's wrong.

Nick is drinking water and taking deep breaths and i can tell he's starting to zone out and look absent. I know he's going to pass out, i just know it and i hate it. We're basically just waiting until he does and i hate that. 

 And i was right because not even a few minutes later, Nick starts to pass out. He falls onto me and drops the water bottle. He almost fell of the bench but i catch him just in time and hold him in my arms until he wakes up.

A few minutes go by and he finally starts waking up, it's so scary not knowing how long he'll be passed out for. It could be 30 seconds but it could be 4 minutes, i hate the waiting every time. Nick slowly opens his eyes and sits back up holding his head. "What do you feel like hun?" "d-dizzy and nau-seous" 

"Nickkk this is why i didn't want to leave the house" i admit but when i say it out loud i feel bad too, because i know he can't do anything about it. "I'm calling Sarah, here drink this" i hand him back the water bottle that dropped earlier and i call Sarah asking to pick us up. 

A little bit later Sarah arrives and i call Nellie back who wasn't ready to leave the park at all. I help Nick into the car because he's still very wobbly and we go home.

I lead him up the stairs to his room and we cuddle in bed together, falling asleep in each others arms.

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