chapter 8

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~ Charlie's POV ~

I can't hide my worry anymore and i break down in tears, Nick needs to be okay i can't live without him. Sarah hugs me and kisses the top of my head while Jack and Daisy load Nick up in the ambulance. They made an exception for us so Sarah and i both get to come in the ambulance with Nick. And we drive to the hospital with loud sirens and high speed.

~ No one's POV ~

Once they arrive at the hospital they push Nick into a room and they start doing CPR while other doctors attach him to different kinds of monitors.  After some time the monitor starts showing a heartbeat and Charlie cries out of relief, Sarah keeps hugging him. Nick's heart is still weak but 39 bpm is much better than 0 bpm. While Jack continues CPR Nick starts coughing, "come on Nick you can do it" Jack says. "we need to hear you breathe" Daisy adds. Charlie steps closer to Nick and kisses his forehead "you can do it baby, please" he whispers. After a moment of silence Nick starts coughing more and gasping for air. Daisy puts the oxygen mask on him to make him breath better. Nick's heart starts beating better and better again, but he's still unconscious.

~ Nick's POV ~ 

I hear all these voices around me but i can't make up who the people are. I try to open my eyes but i get blinded by the lights so i shut them again. "Nick omg baby" Charlie says while kissing me all over my face. I don't know what happened but i fear something bad has happened by the way Charlie reacts about me opening my eyes. My chest feels heavy and my whole body hurts.

Someone turns of the lights "Nick can you open your eyes for me?" someone asks me, but i have no idea who. I slowly flicker my eyes open, it's a little better without the lights but it still gives me a headache. I take a deep breath and start looking around, there are 4 people in the room, Charlie, my mom and two random ones i've never seen before. I'm so incredibly confused on what's going on and what happened but i can't manage to ask it. All i do is looking around confused while taking deep breaths hoping my chest stops hurting.

"Nick do you remember anything that happened to you? or where you are right now?" one of the people asks me. I shake my head no looking at him confused. "I'm Jack and this is Daisy, you're in the hospital right now. You had chest pains, dizziness, you couldn't breath and you passed out. You stopped breathing for a few minutes but we got your heart to beat better again. Why are they so chill about the fact that i stopped breathing for A FEW MINUTES. "Nick it's okay, you're okay now" Charlie says to me while drawing circles on my hand to calm me. I guess my face was pure panic when Jack said that because everyone noticed how stressed out i got by that sentence. 

"Nick you can trust us, we did everything we could and you're heart is beating normally again. We put you on an IV, hoping it'll help you with your chest pains and dizziness. We're monitoring your heartrate and your blood pressure and we'll keep an close eye on you to make sure you're okay. We will run all different kinds of test to figure out what is going on with you, you have my word on that okay?" Jack says to me and i relax right away. The way he said that gave me some faith in the doctors again and i feel hopeful. I smile at him and nod "t-thanks" 


A few hours passed. My mom is on her way home right now to grab me some stuff because we suspect i'm going to be in the hospital for a little while. Charlie is sitting next to my bed and i'm sitting up on my bed and we're just talking for a bit. I feel really weird for some time now and i thought i could shake the feeling away but i still feel weird and i don't really know how to explain what i feel. "Nick honey what's wrong?" Charlie snaps me out my thoughts apparently noticing something was up. 

"hmm i don't know, i feel weird." Charlie is in panic mode right away "do i need to get a doctor?" "no i think i'm okay Char, i just feel fuzzy and dizzy." "you sure?" I nod and give him a hug to calm him down a little. He sits back down and all of the sudden the heart monitor starts beeping. My heartrate is going up drastically and Jack comes in. It was at 76 bpm just a second a go and now it's at 148 all of the sudden and still going up. 

"everything okay Nick?" he asks. I can hear my heart beating through my whole body and my head is pounding. My ears are ringing and everything around me is spinning. I can see Jack talking but i can't understand what he's saying.

~ No one's POV ~

Nick doesn't respond to Jack's question and Charlie starts stressing a lot. "Nick can you hear me?" Jack asks but there's still no response. Nick is just sitting on the bed staring into the distance not responding to anything. His heartrate got to 176 bpm by now. Jack calls in some help and Daisy comes in. They ask a few more questions but Nick stays unresponsive. 

He starts closing his eyes slowly and then he drops unconscious and Daisy catches him. Sarah walks back in at this moment. "what's going on?" "hi uhm could you and Charlie step outside for a bit please?" Jack asks and Sarah and Charlie do as told so. Sarah calms Charlie down in her arms, hugging him and taking deep breaths with him. 

Jack and Daisy put Nick on his side to help him wake up hopefully. Nick got the oxygen mask back on and they wait for him to wake up now, while keeping an eye on his heartrate and blood pressure. 

Nick's eyes start flickering and he manages to slowly opens his eyes. Daisy crouches down so Nick can stay on his side while she can look at him. "hi Nick, can you hear me?" Nick is still looking absent and he has a hard time keeping his eyes open. Nick nods at Daisy's question. "i know it's hard but try and stay awake for me okay?" she asks him and Nick nods again trying really hard not to close his eyes again. 

"I'm going to ask you some questions to figure out how you feel, it's just yes or no question so you can just nod your head okay?" Nick nods. "are you dizzy?" Daisy asks and Nick nods his head yes.  "okay and are you lightheaded?" Nick nods his head yes again. "does your head hurt?" Nick shakes his head no but a little hesitantly. "is your head pounding?" Nick shakes his head yes. "does your chest hurt right now?" Nick motions that the answer is a little bit. "does your body hurt or feel weird?" Daisy asks but Nick is really slow with responding. "hey Nick, keep your eyes open for me okay?" Daisy says but Nick doesn't respond and his eyes start closing slowly and he passes out again not hearing anything Daisy says.

Jack puts a medication in Nick's IV that's supposed to help people that faint a lot. Jack and Daisy wait for Nick to wake up, but multiple minutes pass and he's not waking up. "do we still got a pulse?" Jack asks and Daisy tries to find one. "yes we do, a bit weak, but we do"

Nick starts moving and Jack and Daisy think that he starts waking up, but Nick is still unconscious. And all of the sudden Nick starts having a seizure.

What's wrong with Nick?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora