chapter 7

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~ Nick's POV ~ 

It's a new day and i'm going to school again. Charlie walked me home yesterday and cuddled with me the rest of the day. I slept the whole day basically, i was so exhausted and still am. While i'm walking to the park, i can see Charlie already waiting for me. I hug him tightly and spin him around kissing his head. I love my boy and i love his hugs. Spinning around wasn't a good idea after all, i put Charlie down and sit down on the curb getting super dizzy. "okay you're not spinning me around anymore that's for sure" Charlie says while sitting next to me. 

"i read that if you get dizzy you should tighten all your muscles and clench your fists and then relax it again. Take a few deep breaths too" i do as Charlie says and it actually helps a bit. After a little bit i feel ready to stand up again, Charlie gives me a kiss and makes sure i'm okay before we walk to school. 


The schoolday goes by really slow and i feel weird the whole day. Lots of random dizziness, which i'm used to by now, but it still makes me feel really weird. But if i stay home every time i'm dizzy, i wouldn't go to school anymore so here i am. 

It's 2pm right now and Charlie and i are at break and it's so busy here. My ears are ringing and i don't know if it's because i will get dizzy any second now or if it's because it's so busy in here. "Nick you okay?" Charlie snaps me out of my thoughts and my absence feeling. "hmm sorry i don't feel good" "what do you feel like?" "my ears are ringing, i feel dizzy, i don't know if it's because of the busyness in here or because i'm going to faint" "here drink something and eat this" Charlie says while handing me a bottle of sweet lemonade and salt sticks.

~ Charlie's POV ~ 

I'm so worried about Nick, i hope doctors will listen to him one day and will find out what's wrong with him. This is not normal and it's so exhausting for Nick, i can tell. I know he tries to hide it but i know he's exhausted and scared. I gave him some sweet lemonade and salt sticks for him to eat and drink. He's eating now but his eating pace is slowing down by the second, i don't know what's wrong and how to help and i hate it.

Nick is now staring into the distance looking really absent. "Nick are you sure you don't want to go home?" he just hums but doesn't respond to me properly. I'm concerned. "Nick??" i wave my hand in front of his eyes but he doesnt respond to that too. He blinks his eyes a lot and then his eyes slowly close and he passes out on the table. 

"Nick baby!" i try to catch his head but it already hits the table before i can do anything. I get the lemonade and salt sticks out of his hand and decide to just wait it out until he wakes up because i know there's not much i can do right now until he wakes up. I place his head in a better position, making sure he can still get air in.

A few minutes go by and i'm really trying not to freak out. He will wake up Charlie. He will wake up.

And i was right. He starts opening his eyes slowly and he tries to look at me so i smile at him "hi" "h-hi" he says and i can see he's confused. "you passed out baby" He puts his head down on the table and groans out of frustration while he tries to fully wake up. And then he sits up again and i kiss him. "how do you feel? Do you want me to bring you home or call your mom?" He holds his head, because i think he's in pain. He just nods at my question and i think he wants me to call Sarah so i do.

After calling Sarah, Nick starts talking a little. "i feel so tired and weird, i really hate this feeling" "i know baby, i really hope the doctor will find something next week, they need to check you out properly." He lets himself fall in my arms and we sit there at the table hugging together instead of going to our lessons like every other student.

~ Nick's POV ~ 

I passed out at school again, what's new. I hate it so much, i feel so horrible. Charlie called my mom and we're cuddling on the couch right now. I'm going to the doctors in a few days and i really hope he'll check me out further and doesn't blame this on anxiety, because this is not fucking anxiety. 

Charlie is cuddling on top of me and i'm playing with his beautiful curls. Suddenly i start getting really hot and my chest starts feeling heavy. I push Charlie away from me a little, feeling super trapped all of the sudden. Charlie looks at me confused "what's wrong?" I shrug trying to ignore how i feel hoping it'll just go away.

But unfortuanlly it doesn't. 

I sit up and i can feel myself starting to hyperventilate. Charlie sits up with me right away "Nick in through your nose out through your mouth." I shake my head no while gasping for air. My chest starts getting more and more painful every second, i grab my chest and squeal in pain. "Nick do you want water or anything else?" Charlie asks and i can see the panic rising in his eyes while i shake my head no. 

"Sarah!" Charlie yells through the house and my mom definitely hurt the panic in that yell because she comes running into the living room almost immediately. "Nicky!" my mom kneels down in front of me while i gasp for air with tears streaming down my face. I'm in so much pain.

I scream in pain when another wave of chest pains rush through my whole body. I tense up and i feel so lightheaded and dizzy, this. is. bad. My mom hands me my inhaler but i can't take a deep breath. There's not even getting any air into my lungs. I push it back to my mom, motioning that i can't. I'm bawling my eyes out from the pain while more waves of chest pains rush through me. Once in a while i squeal in pain while gasping for air. "Nick honey you're turning red that's it i'm calling the ambulance" my mom says while grabbing her phone from the table. I close my eyes trying not to think about the fact that there will be doctors coming to me once again, i don't want to get sent away again for fucks sake. 

I try to gasp for more air but nothing fills my longs and everything goes black. 

~ Charlie's POV ~ 

Nick passed out again and i'm so fucking scared. I'm gald Sarah is here too now because i couldn't handle this on my own, i'm so stressed. Sarah is on the phone with the ambulance while i'm keeping an eye on Nick whose still passed out on the couch, breathing really shallow. Sarah motions to me that the ambulance will arrive in 3 minutes and i let out a sigh of relief, he's going to get help from proffesionals, he will be okay. 

The 3 minute wait is torture. It feels like a lot more then 3 minutes but they finally arrive. "Hi i'm Jack and this is Daisy we're here to help. Can we get to him?" Jack asks and i step away from Nick a little bit so they can get close and do there job. They start doing all these tests and after awhile of doing lots of tests they look at each other in horror. My stomach drops and i feel sick, they're scaring me. 

I look at Sarah in panic and she hugs me. Daisy turns to us in panic.

"we need to get him to the hospital right now! He's not breathing!"

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