chapter 10

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~ Nick's POV ~ 

"okay it's going to be a lot of information at once Nick so don't hesitate to ask any questions when we're done alright?" Daisy says to me and i nod my head yes just waiting for them to say what's going on with me.

"it's definitely not just anxiety Nick. We're officially diagnosing you with cardiac arrhytmia and POTS." Daisy tells us, i have no idea what it is but i'm sure she's just getting to that. 

"cardiac arrhythmia is a heart disorder. It makes your heartrate go high at unexpected moments, it makes you dizzy, gives you chest pains, shortness of breath or hyperventilating and your heart can skip some beats too. Some of these symptoms do look like anxiety indeed, but that's not the thing that's going on with you and we can confidently say that it's cardiac arrhythmia." Daisy explains and i'm sitting here wondering why no one ever noticed my heart wasn't doing his job.

"and next we combine the diagnosis with POTS. It stands for a pretty difficult name it's Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. It's a condition that makes you faint a lot from fast heart rate and dizziness. It can make you feel really exhausted and fatigue, your vision can be blurry at times or maybe even seeing dubble and you can feel lightheaded a lot of times." Daisy explains and i'm really relieved to finally have answers to everything. 

"and do you know why he had two seizures?" my mom asks Daisy and i'm a little confused. I thought i only had 1 seizure?? When did i have the second one?? I decide to let it go and just listen to the doctors. 

"yes we think we do, we're not too sure, but we can't find anything that can confirm the seizures a 100% but we think it came from all the fainting and the high heartrates over the last weeks. It got too much for Nick's brain and it just shut down for a moment." Jack explains to us and i feel a little relieved.

"so they won't happen again? right?" i ask a bit scared. "we can't say for sure, sorry Nick... But we're going to give you medication that helps to prevent seizures so we're hoping they will stay away from now on. Because we're also going to manage your fainting and high heart rate there's going to be less reason for a seizure, but i don't want to promise you anything." Daisy explains in all honesty and i'm glad she's honest so i know what to expect.

"what's the treatment plan?" my mom asks them. "We're giving Nick medications to prevent seizures and for the fainting spells. We're also going to give Nick mediaction for his heart, but we have to see if they fully work and if not we advice to give Nick a pacemaker." Daisy says and i'm trying to let this all sink in right now. 

"Nick how do you feel about all of this?" Daisy asks me and i snap out of my thoughts. "i- uhmm- i'm really glad you found out what's going on it's just- just a bit much to- to process right now" i stutter out feeling myself getting overwhelmed. 

~ Charlie's POV ~ 

Daisy and Jack just told us what's wrong with Nick and i'm really happy for him that he finally has some answers and is able to get the help he needs. 

I am worried though, because at first i could see Nick feeling relieved with the answers but now he just looks really absent and overwhelmed with everything. It's so much to proces at once and i wonder what he's thinking about. 

I decide to sit besides Nick on the bed to give him a hug but he slowly pushes me away from him and now i'm more than sure that he's overwhelmed right now because he doesn't want to be touched when he feels overwhelmed. 

"Is it okay to have a moment alone with Nick?" i ask and they all nod. Sarah kisses Nick's forehead and then leaves the room after Jack and Daisy. "hey Nick are you okay?" i turn to him to face him but he's unresponsive. He's staring at the wall in front of him and i'm getting a little concerned.

I lift his chin so he's face to face with me "my love are you okay?" i ask again. "mhm" is all i get as a response while he looks at his hands in his lap. "hey Nick can you look at me? Can you hear me?" he gives me a delayed answer and after some time he nods and turns to me. He blinks a few times as if he's coming back to reality. 

"sweetheart what's on your mind?" i ask him giving him a kiss. "it's- it's just a-a lot. H-how did n-no one ever notice that- that my heart wasn't d-doing the right job?! I-i'm relieved, but c-confused and s-scared" Nick rambles. "breathe, it's okay. I get that it's a lot right now so give yourself some time to proces it okay? You don't have to know everything right now, we'll figure everything out over time. I know it's all really scary right now but just know that it's really good news that we know what's going on, now everyone is able to get you the right help you need. You're going to feel better Nick" i comfort him.

I wrap him in my arms kissing him all over, i love this boy so much.


It's a few hours later from the moment we got the news about Nick and he's getting released right now. I'm here in Nick's room waiting while Sarah and Nick go over the last few medication details with Jack and Daisy. 

Honestly i'm scared to bring him home, what if something happens and there's no one there to help him?! Now there was just an alarm going off anytime something was wrong but at home there won't be and i'm honestly so scared to leave Nick alone.

I start overthinking more and more about everything that could happen to Nick and i want it to stop but i can't. I can feel my heart racing really bad and the room starts spinning. I stumble to the nearest thing i can lean against and i think it's the wall. I sink to the ground curling up into a ball while completely breaking down because of my own stupid thoughts.

Someone walks in but i have no idea who it is. "Charlie we're ready to g-" i think it's Sarah who just walked in. She cut her sentence off and walks over to me. 

~ Sarah's POV ~

I walk into the room to get Charlie so we can drive Nick home. "Charlie we're ready to g-" i try saying while walking into the room but i can't even finish my sentence when i see Charlie curled up against the wall crying, shaking and hyperventilating really bad.

I kneel down in front of him "Charlie what's wrong sweetie?" i ask calmly not wanting Charlie to freak out even more and trying to figure out what's going on. I'm pretty sure he's having a panic attack, knowing how they look like when Nick has one, but i wonder what got him upset.

"i-i- c-ca-n't b-br-eath" Charlie says in between breaths and i can hear the panic he has about what's going on in his voice. "hey sweetie it's okay, you're safe right now, it's going to be okay. Can you take some deep breaths with me?" i ask him and he looks at me trying to follow my breathing. 

It takes some time but he slowly calms down "goob job honey deep breaths" i give Charlie a hug and he melts into my arms seeking comfort and i don't break the hug until he does. He sits up and wipes his eyes "i-i'm s-so so-rry" he apologizes but he shouldn't "no need to apologize honey it's okay, are you okay?" i ask him while giving him a worried look. 

"i w-will be" he says definitely trying to shake it off. "you can talk to me about it if you want you know" i offer.

"my worry for Nick just came to me all at once. What if something happens and there's no one there to help him?! Now there was an alarm going off anytime something was wrong but at home there won't be and i'm honestly so scared to leave Nick alone at any time i just want him to be okay but what if he's nod and something goes wrong when he's back home" Charlie rambles out in one breath starting to tear up again. 

I wrap him in my arms again "breathe Charlie. I know it's really scary, but it's a good thing he can finally come home. He has a lot of medication that will help him feel better and if not we're going back to the hospital. You're welcome to stay at ours to be with Nick to make sure he's okay." 

"i would love that, thank you Sarah" Charlie smiles at me, what a great boy is he, he's the best for Nick, i love him. 

After a little more time we grab our stuff and walk to the doctors office where Nick is waiting for us. I'm glad my baby is finally able to come home. 


A/N: Sorry if i didn't explain the disorders a 100% right hahah, it's really hard to explain from things you know and the things Google writes haha. But lets just go with it lol.

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