chapter 16

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Heyyy! I know this is chapter 16, and so far there is only around two hundredish views, however I am super happy to be posting my story for the world to read!!! Hope everyone enjoys it! Have a nice rest of your day!

Killian and Atticus continued their adventure through the town, coming upon a skating rink, Atticus looked at killian, begging him to let Atticus do it. Killian conceded and let Atticus skate, handing over the money.
"Killian? This is only enough for one person?" Atticus asked.
"Yes." Killian told him. "I don't skate."
"Please?" Atticus hugged Aamon, begging him.
"I don't need to skate. Skating is for children... and well... you." Killian said, a slight blush on his face.
"You... you can't skate!" Atticus exclaimed.
"Of course, I can, it's just not customary for a king to do such a thing." Killian fibbed.
"Liar. If you can skate then prove it." Atticus challenged killian.
"Fine. Killian grabbed the money and threw it on the desk, startling the clerk.
"Be nice killian." Atticus scolded. "A pair of skates for two please." Atticus asked. The smaller clerk looked at killian, almost as if he were asking permission.
"Did you not hear him?" Killian asked sharply. The clerk scrambled to grab their skates.
The clerk set the skates down and Atticus picked them up, killian followed him to the seats. Atticus began to lace up his shoes, once he finished, he looked over at killian, he was struggling. His shoes, the laces were tied wrong, the shoes were triple knotted, and h ew as already trying to walk in them.
"Killian? Come here." Atticus patted the seat as killian hobbled towards him. Once killian sat down Atticus stood and kneeled between his legs, he untied the knots, replaced the shoes, and tittered them correctly.
"Now stand." Atticus asked. Killian complied and stood, watching Atticus look him up and down.
"Are you ready?" Killian asked grumpily.
"Yes!" Atticus grabbed Killian's hand and dragged him to the rink. Pulling killian onto the rink, he spun. Killian attempted to follow but slipped slightly.
"You good?" Atticus smirked.
"Yes. It has been a while since I have skated." Another lie. Killian clung to the walls of the rink, following Atticus slowly. Atticus zipped around the rink.
"Killian? You know, if you really can't skate, you just have to tell me." Atticus pressed.
"Fine! I can't skate. It doesn't matter anyways. I just want you to enjoy yourself." Killian glared at the ground beside him. Atticus slid up to him. Holding his hands Atticus said to killian.
"If you don't know how skate that's fine. Let me teach you?" Atticus asked nervously.
"Fine. That's fine." Killian turned away. Atticus of course, pulled him back.
"Come on!" Atticus held Killian's hands.
"First, loosen your legs, stop locking your joints, let yourself be loose. Then bring your skates out, after that i will guide you, feel how the ice moves." Atticus directed. Once killian had found an acceptable stance, Atticus moved, pulling him along, back and forth across the icy lake.
"That's it! You're getting it!" Atticus praised, pulling killian faster and faster until they were gliding along the rink. Killian slowly warmed up to the feeling, allowing his skates to glide in sync to Atticus's. With a laugh killian attempted to spin the two of them, it didn't go as planned, he lost his balance and the two collapsed in a pile.
"Good job killian." Atticus groaned softly, he smiled and heaved himself up off the floor, he then pulled killian up.
"Sorry." Killian apologized.
"Your fine!" Atticus laughed. "I was just disoriented for a moment, that's all." He chuckled.
"Shall we head home?" Atticus offered.
"Your... calling my castle your home?" Killian asked, almost shyly.
"Oh! Sorry... I ...never mind." Atticus skated away.
"Wait no! It's fine!" Killian followed after him, the two got off the rink. "I was just surprised. It makes me happy to hear you call this place your home. Truly. If you want it could be... our castle?" Killian offered.
"But not if you don't want that, obviously." Killian tensed.
"I would... I would like that... could we talk more at home?" Atticus asked meekly.
"Of course." Killian said, handing the clerk their shoes. The two continued their walk home, quickly making their way back to the castle.
"Y'know killian? I kinda expected hopper to follow us. I wonder what she is doing." Atticus mused, a little concerned.
"I was thinking the same. We must hope that she isn't eating anything, she may be a dragon, but she isn't invincible." Killian sighed in exasperation, following Atticus's quickening pace.
"Atti? Wait up..." killian was exhausted from the mental toll of skating, especially in front of the crowd that followed him.
"Sorry killian, I just don't want. Hopper to have eaten anything." Atticus fiddled with his hands.
"Hey. Stop that." Killian said.
"Stop what?" Atticus glanced around nervously.
"That! Your playing with your hands, you do that when your nervous, you don't need to believe I'm mad at you, I'm not, if I was, then I would have told you. Alright atti?" Killian looked at Atticus, he expected a response.
"Yes, I'm- "Atticus began.
"Don't apologize, I just want to make sure your not guilty for thinking you made me mad, especially when you didn't." Killian patted Atticus's back as he caught up to the boy.
They reached their room fast, opening the door Atticus rushed in. Hopper was knowing on a pair of Killian's shoes. They looked nice.
"Hopper!" Atticus cried out pulling the dragon off the ripped-up boots. "Why?!" Atticus looked at killian.
"I'm so so so sorry killian." Atticus tilted his head down.
"Don't worry about it. She's going to be disappointed when she is stuck on a harness leash." Killian smiled at the dragon, his voice made it seem as if he was faking happiness, he probably was. Atticus picked up the shoes.
"These are probably trash. Huh?" Atticus asked.
"Yeah. Give them to me, I will call a servant to come retrieve them." Killian hugged Atticus, reassuring him that it was fine.
"O-okay." Atticus sighed. Killian hugged Atticus from behind.
"Atti? Tell me what's bothering you." Killian nuzzled into Atticus, leading him to the bed, and holding him tight. "You'll tell me wont you? You don't have to, but I want to help." Killian nipped at Atticus's neck, leaving small red spots.
"Killian?" Atticus asked in small voice.
"Shhh...tell me what's wrong so I can help you." He massaged Atticus's shoulders.
"I just...I came her with hopper, and we have been nothing but trouble! I disobeyed you when I was told to stay in the room, hopper has been destroying your things, your people disliked me, and I am. Bringing you unnecessary attention! I keep ruining your stuff. And even through that you still treat me well, as if I'm something for you to cherish. It's so confusing!" Atticus took a breath after his rant, tears falling down his face.
" sweet little dreamer...don't feel as if you're a burden. If you were, i'd have gotten rid of you long ago. Hopper is a baby, she is going to chew on things, you are new to a group of people who have not communicated with anyone outside of their own people for centuries, and I expect you to disobey me, that one of the many things I like about you. We are going to have bumps through the road, it's not going to be smooth sailing, what matters is that we both make the effort to stick together, I don't want to leave you, or get rid of you. Nor do I think of you as a burden, please Atticus, tell me these things, tell me so we can talk. It's okay." Killian soothed, addressing every one of Atticus's worries.
"Okay." Atticus looked at killian with a watery smile. "Thanks" he said.
"No problem. I want to be here for you, you just have to let me." Killian continued to make little marks along Atticus's neck.
"Killian!" Atticus shivered. "I hate you! everyone's going to see these!" Atticus groaned and pulled away, despite killian continuously tugging him back.
"Then they will all know that your mine, and that I'm yours." Killian smiled brightly, playfully pushing Atticus.
"You're so weird! What is with you demons and claiming people!" Atticus cried out, laughing.
Killian stopped for a moment.
"You don't know?" He asked.
"Know what? I just assumed the whole claiming thing was a possessive mindset you demons have."
Atticus said inquisitively.
"We definitely need to get you enrolled with an education soon. " killian sighed in exasperation. "A claim is like making your mark on someone, demons have a special scent unique to each of them, claiming is when you exchange that scent with another, practically mixing your essence with another, it's a display of great trust, this is commonly done once two demons or creatures decide that they are to be lovers or partners, it's a way of telling demons that the person they claimed was theirs, and that no one should touch them. You have a scent y'know. The scent is only exposed to those who may be a potential mate. You smell like the ocean, a very fruity ocean, it's a cool smell with a hint of berry, its unique and hard to describe." Killian ended his rant.
"Wow...I smell like cinnamon? A dark cinnamon." Atticus said awkwardly.
"Well then, I think we are compatible. Of course, only if you want to be." Killian nudged Atticus teasingly.
"Actually, I think I would like that. I like you a lot killian. I know you like me as well." Atticus smiled.
"I do like you. A lot. I love you even. Are you sure you would want to be my partner?" Killian asked.
"I am sure. I want nothing more. But first... if we were partners, neither of us could become partners with someone else right?" Atticus asked, he feared that killian might cheat, despite how much killian had done to win him over.
"Of course not. That would nullify the whole purpose of a scent exchange." Killian stretched.
"Then I would like to do that, to exchange scents." Atticus said. "When can we do it?" He asked excitedly.
"Hold on a minute. We could exchange scents tonight at the earliest, but you do realize that that would mean you and I would...have sex? Right? I don't want you to make uneducated decisions." Killian said.
"S-sex!?" Atticus yelped incredulously, his face flushing.
"Yes, full sex, the whole thing, not just what happened last time." Killian explained.
"I wouldn't mind it if it was you, I think. I just... would you please be gentle with me?" Atticus asked. "It would be my first time. At least the first time I remember." Atticus chuckled to himself.
"God, you make it hard to control myself. Of course, I would be gentle with you, it would be your first time, I would be nice until you ask me not to be." Killian reassured Atticus.
"Thanks. I think we can plan for tonight then. It is almost nightfall anyways, the only thing left is dinner, huh? And feeding hopper I don't want to starve her, though she does like our table scraps." Atticus explained.
"Yes, yes she does." Killian smirked, he pulled Atticus down and nuzzled into him.
"Why do you keep doing that, you always smell my neck. Is this some weird fetish?" Atticus asked.
"You know how I mentioned scents? Well, the scent glands are at your neck, and Atticus? Your scent is like a drug." Killian clutched to Atticus. "It is no wonder everyone at the judgement hall was knocked out." He spoke. "Now let's go eat dinner, I can't wait for the scent exchange." Killian laughed and dragged Atticus out the door and away to the dining hall.

Word count: 2001

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