9: Potions Class

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Chapter 9: Potions Class

The very next day Hermione was the first to arise from her bed. The sounds of her shuffling and putting on her brand new robes awoke the other four groggy girls and they followed her lead methodically. It seemed this would be their routine for sometime and it would be worth getting used to.

Once dressed they headed down to the Great Hall in a pack behind Percy who graciously shepherded all of the first years back to the Great Hall. They sat down on the bench that ran the entirety of the Gryffindor table and salivated over all the delicacies there was to offer for breakfast.

Lucy decided on porridge as she'd never had it before and was not disappointed. Her stomach growled in process causing her to eat as quickly as possible while remembering her table manners. She felt Hogwarts was making her greedy and felt guilty when she found her bowl was empty. She was being spoilt rotten here and secretly couldn't wait for what lunch had in store. 

Her thoughts were forced into a new route when Professor McGonagall stood next to herself and Shona and offered them a timetable each. "Miss McGuire and Miss Snape, these are for you — don't lose them." McGonagall's gaze fell on her. "I doubt your father would be best pleased if you lost it."

Lucy's cheeks flushed a similar shade to her new tie, it seemed she was already becoming victimised due to the false pretences that she was related to Snape. But when she looked up again she found the stern Professor was smiling at her. Lucy couldn't help but return it. "Thank you, Professor." Came her timid voice.

McGonagall nodded and then gave Pavarti, Hermione and Lavender a timetable too before moving on. The girls ran their eyes over the timetable: Transfiguration was first, then Charms, Herbology next and Shona pumped her fist when she saw they had a helping of Defence Against the Dark Arts that day. Then Potions with —

Professor Snape.

"I don't feel so good," Lucy whispered to Shona.

"Don't be daft," Shona tutted. "You'll be fine! You're only nervous because you think you'll get lost. Well, you are going to get lost but...we'll find our way to classes eventually!" Shona laughed to herself while Lucy tried desperately to ensure her porridge didn't make a reappearance.

"Potions is last," Lavender murmured and then looked over and saw Lucy had heard. She smiled awkwardly and tried to recover herself. "With your dad, Lucy — well, your sort of dad. Your dad that isn't even your dad but you think he's your dad."

"Oh this is confusing!" Pavarti smiled and all laughed.

"It is confusing, isn't it?" Lucy half smiled, placing down her timetable and staring at the fifth block on the table and wishing it could be anything but Potions. She had to hide from Snape, she had to save herself from him otherwise the consequences would be fatal.

"Come along, Gryffindors! Go on up to your dormitories and grab everything you need for your lessons before heading there straight away — I will be checking to make sure everyone makes their way there."

Lucy gulped. The plan she'd been forming about hiding in her dormitory all day had already foiled before it was set into motion. She followed her new set of friends out of the Great Hall and up the moving staircases.

"Good morning, Professor Snape," Percy said down in the entrance hall and Lucy gasped. Snape was stood in front of him, a cold look etched into his features.

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