13: The Marauders map

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Chapter thirteen: The Marauders map

For the rest of the week Lucy was the star of Hogwarts, she had tried to make herself as un-noticed as possible but she couldn't stay out of the public eye. It was mid-November now and even though the Christmas holidays were a while a way everybody was getting excited, writing to their parents to see if they could still come home or if there a few last cancellations which left some children feeling a bit miserable. 

But Lucy, of course, didn't have to worry about going home as Snape was with her. Even though Lucy did call Snape 'dad' she still didn't believe she was really his. Maybe it was something to do with the fact they weren't related or possibly to do with the fact they were new to each other as well as that they didn't tend to talk to each other a lot. 

When Lucy got home from school that day she said hello to Snape before dashing up to her room which was the same scenario as usual. They would just greet each other and get on with whatever they were doing. Snape cursed himself as she ran off as he had vowed to become a better parent and try to quit the small talk and get things sorted out, the last major conversation they had had was when Snape had agreed to adopt Lucy. 

Lucy was up in her room scribbling on away on a piece of parchment trying desperately to figure out her defense against the dark arts homework. Lucy had taken a big disliking to defense against the dark arts but Shona had not, every time they had defense against the dark arts Lucy would whine and Shona would bounce off walls but when it came to potions it was the complete opposite. Lucy would be more than happy and Shona would whine. 

She shook her head then opened up her textbook and tried to find some good information on the subject Quirell had set them for homework, yet being the impatient person she was with finding things Lucy just stopped writing and glared at the text book. That was until Snape made up his mind he was going to try and help at parenting again, he entered her room and she looked up. 

"Hey" she whispered trying to cover up her annoyance 

"Good afternoon" he replied, he sat on the edge of her bed while she sat on the floor, "what homework have you got?" 

"Defense against the dark arts, I hate it but I've got to do it"

"Do you just hate it or just don't understand it?" He asked. So far so good.

"I don't really understand it, to be honest, it's too confusing"

"Would you like me to help you?" 

"Yes please" 

Snape took her textbook and began skim reading the page she was on and it all became clear to him as to what she was doing and he began a detailed explanation to her so she jotted down notes as quick as she could and worried she was going to run out of ink but before long she understood all of it. 

"Thanks!" Lucy said as she put her finished piece of homework into her bag as well as her textbook. 

"You are most welcome" 

As Lucy tidied up her bag a thought returned to her, it was a little conversation her and Shona had had a while ago and it was about the famous 'Harry Potter.' 

"His parents were killed" Shona had said to her in a hushed voice. 

"By what?" Lucy had asked back. 

"It wasn't a what it was a who, you-know-who" 

"Who's you-know-who? Because I don't-know-who" 

Shona had leaned towards her then whispered in her ear: 

"Lord Voldemort, some people are too scared to say his name as he's the darkest wizard of the age but some people believe that since Harry defeated him when he was only a year old he hasn't come back and is dead but some believe he's going to come back" 

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