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chapter three:
"i have such a dark life, i don't think it's worth making memories out of it"

a yelp escapes seola, her ankle twisting and she immediately falls to the ground but the male in front of her was fast enough to hold her. talk about unlucky. "are you okay?" seonghwa's voice is surprisingly soft. "excuse me" seola frowns at how calm seonghwa is at handling her little accident but she lets the male carry her and sits her on the passenger seat. "i'm fine" she let out. "you twist your ankle. we're going to the hospital"

hospital? just because of a twisted ankle? seola knows park seonghwa has a lot of money to spend but there's no way she's going to the hospital because she twisted her ankle. she's not a kid for goodness sake. "seonghwa" seonghwa froze. his heart racing at his name being called by seola. never have he thought that his name will sound so good coming out of someone's mouth. "hm?"

"you go to the hospital when you're dying but definitely not for twisted ankles"

"i don't need a doctor's help for this. it's just a twisted ankle" she shakes her head. "and?" the male lifts a brow. "what i'm trying to say is you bring me home as fast as possible and i'll do this myself." she explains. "do you even have enough supplies to do that? i'm very much aware you're not a doctor nor anything in the medical field as you're working in an office. for your information, i paid a lot of attention to injuries"

seola gulps. the car was moving already and this time, her heart was hammering but not because of the pain she's feeling but because the male insisted on bringing her to his home to aid her ankle as he has a personal doctor in his house. now she's not certain if this is the same man who swore to not like any other interaction with her. park seonghwa is unreadable and different. so different that it scares her.

as if he carries a jurisdiction within himself.

"did you say you live alone?" she softly asked, eyed wide open as she stared at the huge house in front of her. "i do. i already contacted my doctor, he'll be here in a few. we should head in" she nods and was about to stand. "stop. i called the doctor because of your foot and now you're attempting to walk" seonghwa stops her before getting off the car and rushing to her side.

"excuse me"

she frowns but nods as the male drapes his black coat on her legs before carrying her. her arms automatically circles around his neck, her eyes staring at seonghwa's. his eyes doing the same and for some reason, time seems to slow down and she forgot that the man carrying her is capable of hurting someone and worse, pointing a gun at someone. but all that reason were push aside cause she found herself getting lost in his eyes. his eyes are enough to make her forget everything. everything she has seen because of him.

she gulps feeling seonghwa's eyes darts to her lips. it was very tempting to her but she kept her composure. she can't act like this when the male holding her can definitely end her in one call. "ms. song, how would you like sharing a glass of wine with me tonight?" it was another tempting invitation and she found herself agreeing. "you won't poison me, right?"

"trust me, that's not in my plan"

"it's settled, then" seonghwa then lifts his heels and finally begins to walk in his house. his heart was definitely acting strange at the moment. he should get it checked now that his doctor is coming. fuck. he sound like a teenager getting his first orgasm or a teenager touching his pickle for the first time. he knew damn well what he's feeling. no doctor is necessary to give him the answer he needed. the answer is inside him already.

"your house is great" seola accidentally let out whilst the male set her down on his grey couch. "the doctor will be here in a few. make yourself comfortable" seonghwa ignores the compliment she made to his house. "i'll be changing quick. wait for me here" she nods as the male took off. she watch his back disappears before she could finally breath out the air she's unknowingly been holding.

at the moment, she takes another look at her surroundings before hopping towards one table across the room where he found a middle aged woman's picture. she was beyond confused as to what's seonghwa's relationship with the woman. the woman does not resemble park seonghwa even a bit. but what confuses her more is that the rest of the pictures were the same woman and not a single one of seonghwa. does he not like taking a picture? she badly wants to ask him. her curiosity will definitely kill her someday.

"what are you doing?"

she flinches and turns to find seonghwa dress in white elegant long sleeve and a beige trouser. his hair is tousled but still looks clean. "i...i was just looking at the pictures. i'm sorry" she defends herself. "nevermind. get back in the couch. i don't really like it when someone's touching my things or doing something without my consent. especially when you're in my house" seonghwa states, leading her back to the couch. his hand resting on her lower back. "i'm really sorry. i was also come you don't have any pictures?"

"i have such a dark life, i don't think it's worth making memories out of it"

"seonghwa!" again, seola flinches at the new voice. it was a female's voice, followed by the clicking of heels. "what happened to you? why did you call the doctor? are you okay?" the unknown woman throws endless questions on her to the living room. "i'm fine, i told you to stop watching what i'm doing" seonghwa hissed. "you can check on her now" the male order his doctor. "let's talk, seonghwa" seonghwa sighs, nodding.

"i'll be back, ms. song"

he turned his heels and walked to his kitchen where he found his aunt pouring herself a glass of wine and chugging it in one gulp. "who's that?" his aunt asked, pertaining to seola. "no one" he lies. "do i seem stupid to you? i see how your eyes gaze at her. it's the same look you always look at your mom's picture. have you forgotten what kind of life you're leading? you can't let an innocent woman get involved in your dirty business"

"you're thinking way too far. she twisted her ankle, i insisted on bringing her here so my doctor could treat her and fuck. i met her not even a week yet" he briefly explains himself. "and i'd appreciate it if you would stop reminding me what kind of life i'm leading, i never forgot it. i'm a fucking 26 year old, i don't need you to babysit me every goddamn time"

"did you forget what happened the last time you fell in love, then?"

"i don't want to hear that from you again. i was a kid and that was not easy for me to take nor forget. i'd really appreciate it if you quiet down and stop fucking reminding me of my biggest mistake." he was fuming. he hates that his aunt kept using his past mistake to everything he do. he felt suffocated. he can't breath at all. he feels as if his lungs were clogged.

"you should leave."

"she's the woman in the pictures, right?" seonghwa halts but immediately composes himself and places the glasses on the coffee table. "my aunt" he says shortly. "she seems...scary" seola let out. "it's her demeanor. nothing to worry about, she won't come for you" he replies before taking a seat on the couch. "she won't, right?" seola asked, worried for her life as she's aware of what park seonghwa's family is in.

"call me if she bothers you"

"i don't even have your number" she says under her breath. "how's your ankle?" seonghwa slowly turns his body to face her. again, she's getting lost under his stare. so lost that she can't bring herself to answer his question. she should be answering him but she found herself swimming in her own thoughts. she gotta admit that she's attracted to park seonghwa. "seola?"

"i...yes, it's not that painful anymore"

"seonghwa" she calls, shrugging off the awkward tension she made. "what do you exactly do? you own silveria, am i correct?" her voice came out soft as she asked that question yet seonghwa's expression remains as it is. "i do own silveria. as for what i do.." the male sighs.

"i don't think we have some kind of relationship for you to know such an information, ms. song"

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