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chapter twelve:
"you're always sorry yet you do another thing to be sorry for"

"seonghwa, you should rest" wooyoung spoke. seonghwa has not met the bed since seola stormed out. he occupied himself with work and more work. it wasn't healthy. like what wooyoung has been saying these days but he could careless. his work is never healthy anyways. "leave me off, wooyoung"

"mr. park, prosecutor choi is here for you"

"why would a prosecutor be here?" wooyoung asked, the same time the door to seonghwa's office opens and reveals the said prosecutor. "what a pleasant morning, mr. park" choi jongho bows his head momentarily. "get us something to drink, wooyoung" wooyoung was reluctant to leave his friend to this unknown prosecutor but still nods. "i'll be back as soon as i can" he made sure to pressed more power into saying he'll be back.

"have you recognized the voice?"

"it is the attorney song mingi." jongho answers. "yeah, and?" seonghwa raises a brow. damn it. he did not hire choi jongho to simply give him a name. he needed more. "he's popular in his current law firm. apparently, they call him sherlock. i know, exaggerated. he has never failed a case and he mostly solved them. i believed he's close to finding you as well but it's taking longer than he actually do" seonghwa takes in every information. so this song mingi is extremely genius that the people in his law firm compare him to sherlock.

he definitely has someone on his tail.

"his fastest case to be solved was 3 months. cases typically last 5 months or even a year but he solved one under 3 months. but now, you're his longest crime case. he's been on your tail for 5 months now. however, he got nothing out of you." seonghwa huffs. so song mingi is this genius? he could admit that. he managed to get through seola to get to him. very clever. "are you sure he got none?"

"if he does, he caught you already, ain't he?"

"what makes you certain he could catch me if he got something for me?" he questions. "mr. park, i think you're missing the context here. song mingi is not running away from you, you are running away from him. i do not want to compare you but you are a bait under a hungry beast." jonghu huffs. "i also heard you got a woman. someone you adore so much" the male added. "what about her?"

"do you think it's the right time to have someone like her around?"

"elaborate" seonghwa deadpan. "she's your weakness. what happens when your enemy knows you have a weakness? and it's moving and alive? they use it against you" seonghwa sighs. it's like how his life in the villa is. he was a king there yet his life was always in danger. he never planned to mix his life in the villa and outside yet here it is. "so? what should i do?"

"bring her to the villa"

seonghwa scoffs. no way. bringing seola in the villa means not getting her out and if he manages to do so, it will be hard. it will take both his blood and sweat to get her out of there. "i'm back" wooyoung calls, walking in with a tray of drinks. he place it on the table before walking behind seonghwa. "talk. i am his friend as well as secretary, i think it's confidential for me to know whatever conversation you guys are sharing" wooyoung was reluctant about jongho. seonghwa notices and he likes that wooyoung is always on guard.

"let him be. like he said, he's a friend and a secretary"

"who are you?" mingi spoke into the dark. he felt the presence the moment he arrived back in his office. one name tells him who it is. hongjoong. that guy must be a genius for knowing he had solved his lay out clues already. "what took you so long to solve the riddle? i was so bored" he huffs and turns, files still in his hand. there he was met by a black hair short guy. he wasn't familiar with his face yet he leaves such an impression.

a dangerous guy.

"you know me. hongjoong" hongjoong answers. "we finally meet" mingi place the files down. he was impressed with hongjoong. just how can he sneak in his office without him noticing? if he was armed, he would have killed mingi and mingi won't even notice he was holding a weapon. "you're a genius, you impressed me" mingi sat on his table, crossing his arm. hongjoong huffs, crossing his legs, imitating mingi's action.

"i should say the same"

"how did you even think of sending clues through constellations, cipher and even runic alphabet. usually i am presented with morse code or such" mingi questions. "morse code is overrated. plus, there'll be no fun if i used morse code. but you're impressive—just like what goes around the law firm. i gotta admit i know now why they call you sherlock" hongjoong chuckles, standing and looking around his office. "i supposed you've been around for long now"

"why do you say that?"

"because you know what employees here call me. i believed in talismen so pardon me but are you an assassin or trained like one?" mingi raises a brow. "woah. sherlock 2.0 believes in talisman? no, i'm not an assassin. you just have your head way up high to notice people below you" hongjoong grin. "are you trying to say i look down on people?"

"you don't?"

"i am smart, my intelligence is what brought me here. yet i don't seem to understand what brought you here. at first, i thought you were here to help me yet here you are. objecting to every word i spoke." mingi concludes.

"well i am here to help"

seola momentarily closes her eyes. the alcohol she drank already caught up with her system. she sat outside her building, legs folded up to her chest. "get up" seola gulp the lump in her throat. seonghwa is around again. like he always does. he appears when she needed him the most and leaves in the same situation. "leave" her voice broke as she don't bother to lift herhead.

"i'm not leaving you"

seola's back was met with her couch, seonghwa had carried her in her apartment. she opened her eyes and found seonghwa staring at her. "you have been crying. i'm sorry" seonghwa softly ran his thumb on her cheek. she almost close her eyes at his touch but she did not. "you're always are"

"you're always sorry yet you do another thing to be sorry for"

"i don't know whether to believe if you're sorry or not. are you even sincere?" she questions. "i have never ever lied to you. the only thing i lied to you about was wanting to push you away. i'm sorry, my love" he said it. he called her his love. seola hates how her heart is reacting. she hates it so much. "i'm sorry" seonghwa close the gap between them and softly peck her lips. his little action burst her into tears and seonghwa immediately wipe it off for her, his lips leaving another longing peck on hers.

seonghwa sighs, pulling her up and placing her on his lap. she has no time to fight back. seonghwa already has his arms around her waist, his face nuzzles on her neck. they stayed like that. for the whole minute. it was just silence and the only sound is their heart racing as well as the sound of their breathing. the lingering silence was then interrupted by a phone ringing. it wasn't hers. she knew it. "you should go" she mumbles, lifting herself off seonghwa.

seonghwa heave a breath, looking at the caller ID and found wooyoung calling him. he stands up, answering the call. "this better be urgent" he hissed. "my apologies, are you in the middle of something? anyway, someone's at the office for you. he said he's song mingi" his heart race at the name. song mingi finally come. "i'm on my way. let him in."

"don't talk unless i'm there"

"are you mr. park's assistant?" wooyoung frowns at the tall man. he's always wary of people yet this man took it all. he was very suspicious and weird. "you're a lawyer, you said? why come without early notice and late at night?" he questions, ignoring mingi's question. "this meeting was very sudden. seeing mr. park coming tells me he was not busy"

"he is, actually."

"but it was never in his vocabulary to let visitors go without meeting him. i see that you made an effort with your visit here. you even brought wine" wooyoung spoke. "they're not very expensive. i'm not sure if mr. park will like it" mingi shrugs. "yeah, you should have think that. mr. park don't drink wine, he drinks champagne these days" he respond. "how about you tell me something else, mr. jung?" wooyoung frowns at the sudden question.

"what is exactly mr. park's job?"

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