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This was request by MonsterTommyBoi 

So. Yeah. Jambringer. Honestly, it would be a cute ship, if they actually INTERACTETED IN THE CONAN UNIVERSE.  But that's the thing. I DON"T SHIP THEM IN THE CONAN UNIVERSE.  

I am growing on the idea on my own book on Jambringer oneshots.  

It would be pretty cute, because Jambu and Deathbringer both seem like extroverts, and Jambu could come of as the goofy dude that cheers up Deathbringer whenever needed, and is a loyal dork. Deathbringer is the clingy guy that would be toxic in Glorybringer, but Jambu doesn't have the trait for that to bother him. It is a balanced ship.

It's like a fresh start fresh on Glorybringer. Tui could write Jambu not minding Deathbringer's clinginess and Deathbringer would admire Jambu instead of thinking he was a waste of space like Glory.  

Imagine it as this" You were writing an essay called Glorybringer, the writing was amazing and creative and witty, the dialogue perfect, but  you're handwriting and spelling was off. The page was a mess, and as you attempted to read it and ignore the side of chaos and  shroud it by all the positive things, but you couldn't ignore it. 

You felt uncomplete with the messy penmanship and the scribbled spelling and the character that just wouldn't go together, even if you slapped them together by force and called it a ship.  

 You decided to make an essay about a unpopular topic instead, but you had a fresh start, a blank pristine sheet of parchment, and it had more neat handwriting. The character fit together comfortably, like a puzzle piece in the right place, snug and tight, and it was adorable and not toxic. You're spelling was way better, and it was graded an A+" 

So. Yeah. Jambringer. I really have nothing else to say about this ship, except it is extremely random but healthy and, overall perfection. Also, I ship it because of the AMAZING SICK ARTWORK!

Positive: Fairly healthy and interesting. They would go AMAZINGLY TOGETHER! Perhaps they could be babysitters for Peacemaker if Hope had work or something. 

Negative: Ok, is it just me, or DID THIS SHIP COME OUT OF NO WHERE? Plus, I still love Jamapple and Glorybringer, and Glory X Pineapple doesn't seem right to me. There are some ships that are straight up random. For example: Blisterseer, Blacier, Flumber, Jambringer, Lynxwatcher, and Whirlnami. I don't know who came up with Jambringer in the first place, if it was a legit fanfic or artwork or what. 


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