Note 01

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In Which She Loses Her Notebook    

She sat in the cafe, a pen in her right hand, and her left hand was supporting her head. She has been sitting there for so long that her coffee in front of her turned cold. She sighed, it was finals. She was a law student, well pre-law. Was there anything more to add?

She felt a bit bad, she took up an entire table, almost two if she had any more books. She had to use two chairs just for her textbooks and bags. Her laptop and notebooks were spread all over the mahogany table. The remaining space was left for her, now, cold cup of coffee, phone, and tears.

She zoned out into space, only to pop back into reality to realize that she ended up drawing a doodle of Juliet in the balcony scene from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.

'Oh Romeo, oh Romeo, wherefore are thou Romeo?' she added into Juliet's speech bubble. She was about to draw in Romeo when her phone buzzed beside her. It was her friend River asking her if there was a reason why she was late.

Her eyes went wide when she saw the time was 3:30 in the afternoon and that she was thirty minutes late. She sent a quick text to River, saying that she was on her way before she frantically packed up. Gulping down the rest of her cold coffee, she dumped some of her stuff into her bag, and carried the rest in her hands. She ran out of the door with all her notebooks in her arms, all of her notebook except for one. 

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