Note 04

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In Which He Wonders About What He Found

He laid in bed, wondering if the unknown girl got her notebook yet. He really wished that the contained some information so he could have gotten the notebook to her as soon as possible. He knows how it's like to lose a notebook during exam season. It happened to him last year, during his finals as a second year. He went crazy, turning his dorm into a mess. Clothes on the floor, books scattered on his desk, hair all over his head.

It was three days after he realized that he lost it when he got it back. Turns out his friend borrowed it and forgot to return it. He didn't know if he was supposed to be happy that his notes were returned or upset that his friend borrowed without permission. Either way, he gave himself a breath of relief, before returning to study for his exams.

Thinking back to his actions of the previous year, he let out a laugh. He did forgive his friend after he received a mountain load of apologies and a promise to be treated to a week's worth of coffee. He resolved to return to the cafe tomorrow to check up on the status of the notebook.  

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