Note 19

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In Which She Heads to Infinitea

She woke up with a smile. Today was the day. She was going to meet him. She was going to meet Nickel. The mere thought of the confrontation got her jittery. Maybe she made too much noise before no later when she woke up so did River. River, who was not a morning person, managed to pull out a smile and gladly helped her get ready.

They stared with the outfit. She wanted something simple, it was a first meeting after all but River, River wanted something that would make a memorable impression. She didn't know what River's definition of a memorable impression was but it definitely was different from hers when she saw the outfit that River pulled out. In the end they were able to compromise with jeans, an oversized sweater, and ankle boots.

When it came to hair, she left it all to River's expertise and she was not disappointed. Her red curls were put into a wraparound braid with two strands framing her face. However the moment of agreement was short lived as they started to argue over makeup. She didn't want to put any on, she just wanted to get the hell out of her dorm and to meet Nickel, River wanted to put some on her. When she reluctantly agreed, River turned around to grab her stuff and she used that moment to escape. She figured by the time River turned around, she would have a good head start.

Her prediction was right and River didn't chase after her. She, happily, left to meet him at Infinitea. 




This is the final chapter for WPLI. Thank you very much for going on this journey with me! There's an Italian translation posted in Could Have Been, Never Was on this account. Fun fact, the short story got it's name and actually existed because of a line from a fanfiction I read which mentioned that parallel lines meet at infinity or in this case infinitea cafe.

If you're interested in more of my works there's

On The Corner of Hopeless and Hopeful  (this account, complete); feel good, family, food

- The Shadows of War (vivaldings, complete); science fantasy, alternate history

- In Any Other World (vivaldings, complete); fantasy, adventure, romance, parallel worlds 

- The Age of Youth (vivaldings, ongoing); coming of age, friendship, romance (certain someone with the same last name as Liv :O )

Since many people don't actually read the author's note, for those of you who have and want to know what happens to these two, your answer can be found in the 3 chapters listed below.

CHB,NW: Bonus Content 1 (ext link)

OtCoH&H: 9, 14

tumblr: wpli

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