Note 03

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In Which She Realizes She Lost It 

When she finally finished her promised study session with River, it was already ten at night. They spent the whole time redoing old tests and previous mid-terms and finals. Seven hours of studying, coffee, paper cuts, tears, more studying and a lot more tears.

She returned to her dorm, tired and with a growing headache. She figured that she should study her notes a bit more before she calls it a day.

Somehow under the piles of papers, she managed to get her dorm key out of her back pocket and into the lock. She opened the door to her empty dorm and she figured that her roommate was out studying. She managed to set all her books on her desk properly before her arms gave out. As she went through her bag, placing her various notebooks out on her desk, she realized it. She was missing her main notebook, the blue one with her important notes.

Oh she was in trouble.

She knew not to worry, she needed to keep calm, have a poker face.

It's not a courtroom, you might not even be a lawyer if you don't get it back, she scolded herself. Now think, where were you today?

She mentally retraced her steps. She last had it physically when she was doodling in the café. She figured it was because of the rush she left in when she got River's text. Deciding to start there, she still continued with her original plan to study her notes and was going in the morning to the café in hopes of finding her notebook.

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