Note 02

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In Which He Finds A Notebook

He impatiently waited in line. Wondering how long it will take to get a cup of coffee. His much needed coffee. Testing season for an engineering student means coffee, coffee, tears, and of course, more coffee. He wonders when he slept last, not counting his twelve minute nap.

Adjusting his backpack's strap, he finally moved up in line and shortly after he got his cup of Joe, he was faced with his next challenge. Finding a seat. Luckily for him, he saw a red haired girl clear up a table, and quickly went to claim the table before anyone else could.

Settling down his, rather heavy, bag and his drink, he was about to plug in his music when he realized an unfamiliar blue notebook. He figured that it would belong to the girl who was just there so he stood up to look for her, only to realize that she was long gone.

He decided to open the notebook, hoping that there would be some sort of sign about the owner. He realized after flipping through the notebook, he realized that the female was a law student, with very neat hand writing.

When he flipped to the last page, he found a half drawn doodle from the infamous balcony scene in Romeo and Juliet where Juliet was asking for her Romeo, only for him to not be seen. Deciding that he needed a break before he studied, he decided to finish her doodle by adding Romeo.

Figuring that the unknown law student needed a joke, he changed Romeo's line into something more modern: I'm right here Julie! He hoped that she would understand his joke, and that she was not a die hard Shakespeare fan who would get mad at him for changing the scene.

He realized that he drank most of his coffee, when he was about to take another sip as he drew the speech bubble. Figuring that he should hand the barista the notebook for the optimal chance of its return, he went to order another cup of coffee and return the notebook.

Handing in the forgotten notebook, and taking a sip of his hot coffee, he restarted his much needed mid-term studying.

N O T E:

The balcony scene that Nickel saw Liv draw had the line 'Wherefore art thou Romeo' however Nickel misunderstood and thought the line was Juliet asking 'Where are you Romeo' hence his doodle saying 'I'm right here Julie'

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