🕊️About Little Space🕊️

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"Little space" is a concept associated with age regression within certain subcultures

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"Little space" is a concept associated with age regression within certain subcultures. Age regression involves temporarily adopting behaviors, mannerisms, and mental states typical of a younger age.

In this story, when Yoongi experiences little space, he might engage in activities or behaviors reminiscent of a 3-5 year old.

This could include things like using a childlike tone of voice, playing with toys, expressing themselves more innocently, and seeking comfort or care from others.

For Yoongi, who is 23 years old, slipping into little space might provide a way to temporarily escape adult responsibilities and experience a more carefree and innocent state of mind. It's a personal and subjective experience that varies among individuals who engage in age regression.

In little space, individuals often engage in activities that bring them a sense of comfort or nostalgia from their childhood. This might include watching cartoons, cuddling with stuffed animals, using childlike language, or even enjoying activities like coloring or playing simple games.

When Yoongi enters little space, he might adopt a childlike mindset where his thoughts, actions, and preferences align with those of a 3-5 year old. This can manifest in various ways:

1. Behavioral Changes: Yoongi may exhibit behaviors such as increased playfulness, curiosity, and a desire for simpler, more lighthearted activities. This could involve playing pretend, engaging in imaginative play, or enjoying activities that evoke a sense of innocence.

2. Communication Style: His way of speaking may become more childlike, using simpler vocabulary, a higher-pitched tone, or even referring to himself by a cute nickname like "Yoonie." Expressing emotions in a more direct and unfiltered manner, similar to how a young child might, is also common.

3. Preferences: Yoongi might express preferences for things associated with childhood, such as favorite toys, characters, or comfort items. These preferences are often comforting and can serve as a way to create a safe and happy space.

4. Seeking Comfort: During little space, individuals may seek comfort and reassurance from others, akin to how a child seeks support from caregivers. This could involve cuddling, hugging, or verbal reassurances. For this story, Yoongi always seek comfort from either Jin, Hoseok or Jimin. But mostly it's Jin

5. Time Frame: Little space experiences can vary in duration, from short periods to more extended sessions. It's a flexible and personal practice, allowing individuals to navigate this headspace in a way that feels comfortable for them.

It's important to emphasize that engaging in little space is a consensual and personal choice, often used as a coping mechanism or a way to explore a different aspect of one's identity in a safe and controlled manner.

I hope this helps you understand what Little Space is. If you guys still have any doubt, dm me. I'll explain it to you.

Well, I'll meet you all in the first chapter then.

Till then Bye

Love ya 💕💕

Love ya 💕💕

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