🕊️ Important!!🕊️

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Hello Moonlights,

I actually never wanted to post a chapter like this. Not even in my dreams. But I can't help.

I am going on a Hiatus. You read it right. A small Hiatus. From Today till the end of February

The next update that you will get from me now will be on 1st of March.

Some may ask why? I have a valid reason-

As you all know.... wait, as most of you know My Annual Board Examination of Class 12th are going on. Two papers are already done.


Now, the rest remains very important paper. If you don't know, I am a Maths-Science student. So, the remaining subjects are- Physics, Chemistry and Maths

I have my Physics paper on 12th, my elder brother's wedding. So, including all rituals it from 15-19 Feb, Chemistry on 21st and then my Maths paper on 27th.

And all three of them are really hard subjects. Doesn't matter how much I try, they still need like 14-16 hours of my day.

I have been so busy with them, that I open my phone for not more than 5-7 minutes.

I hope you all understand my situation. 

It's so sad since It's not been long since I started this story, and I already have to take hiatus. I'll give you the best chapters for this story after I return!! Promise

I know you all understand this and you'll understand me. Afterall we are each others ray of light. Right Moonlights?

Anyways, I Promise to return back in March with amazing updates that will make your wait worth it.

I Love you all so much and will always do!!

- Your Sunshine

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