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"Joonie, mwe will go now, oherwie Minnie will worry about Yoonie" Yoonie said while looking at Namjoon with his cute eyes

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"Joonie, mwe will go now, oherwie Minnie will worry about Yoonie" Yoonie said while looking at Namjoon with his cute eyes. Namjoon almost laughed at Yoonie's way of saying 'Otherwise'

He let Yoonie off his lap and said "Okay Bubba. But you won't go out. I will call your Minnie here. Okie?" Yoonie nodded his head with a big smile and replied "Okie Joonie"

Namjoon ruffled his hair and then went towards his desk. He called someone and told them to send 'Park Jimin' to his cabin. He hung up and looked in Yoonie's direction and saw him playing with his own shirt while sitting on the couch.

'How can Aunt and Uncle even hate him? He is the cutest being alive! If I was in there place, I would have kept him in my pocket to protect him from everything...
I really need to talk with Jin Hyung regarding this all thing'

Namjoon thought in his mind while smiling at the little who was busy in his own world with his shirt.

On the other hand, Jimin was sweating right now. You may ask why? Well, someone came and told him that 'Professor Kim' called him inside his cabin. And if I didn't mentioned before Professor Kim is the most strictest and the scariest professor in the whole University. And he if ever call any student to his cabin, they don't come out without red hands, and crying face.

And that's why Jimin is worried. He actually don't know the relation between Namjoon and Yoongi cause Namjoon wanted to keep it a secret and now he is thinking that professor called him to punish him for talking during his class.

Who will tell the poor boy that he is just called to pick up his best friend's little self from the cabin?

(AN- I can, but I will not Hehe 😁)

Jimin was now standing infront of the cabin. He thought for some good seconds and then finally knocked on the door. He heard a deep "Come in" and the fear which left for millisecond came back. He gulped and opened the door.

Stepping inside the room, he kept his head low and directly walked towards Namjoon's table not even knowing that Namjoon was right beside him, sitting on the couch with Yoonie.

Namjoon himself was confused when he saw Jimin standing infront of his desk, with his head low. He looked at Yoonie who shurgged his shoulders. He stood up, "Park Jimin, I am not there. I am on your right side" he called out.

Jimin flinched badly when he suddenly head a voice not from front but beside him. After he heard what Namjoon said, he turned his head towards them and looked up for the first time ever since he stepped in the cabin.

"M..Mr. Kim y...you called m..me?" He asked while stuttering a little. Namjoon nodded his head "Yes. Someone was asking for you"

Jimin tilted his head a little with a confused expression. "Looking for me? Who Mr. Kim?" He asked. Well, he couldn't really see Yoonie since he was sitting just behind Namjoon who was standing.

Namjoon didn't replied and just moved a little to the side, so Jimin could see the little.

"Yoongi Hyung?" He called. Yoonie, left his shirt and immediately looked at Jimin. "Minnie!! You here!!" He stood up and ran to hug his 'Minnie'

Jimin stumbled a but then balanced himself and brought his hands to hug the elder. "Yoonie, is it you?" He asked and felt the little nodding his head while snuggling his chest.

Yoonie broke the hug and said "You know Minnie, mwe and Joonie pway swo much" Jimin could clearly tell that the elder is at the age of 3 cause of his talking style.

But then he frowned, "Joonie? Who is Joonie?" He asked. Yoonie didn't said anything, he just went and stood near Namjoon holding his fingers.

"M..Mr. Kim is J..Joonie?" Jimin asked and Yoonie nodded his head. "Yupie!! He is my Joonie!"

"Huh... Mr. Kim I am sorry he is saying all that... He actually....umm.." Jimin couldn't form any words.

Namjoon chuckled a little and said "He is actually a little? Yeah I know that Jimin" Jimin widened his eyes, a little surprised on how Namjoon knew this.

"Now you must be wondering how I know? And why is Yoonie calling me Joonie. Right?" Jimin unknowingly nodded his head, confusion written all over his face.

"Well, I am Yoongi's cousin brother" Namjoon revealed. Jimin's eyes widened more than before, the confusion getting replaced by shock now.

"Y..you w..what?" He managed to ask. "Cousin brother Jimin. My Dad and his Dad are brothers. Yoongi didn't told you, cause I told him not to reveal our relation to anyone" Namjoon explained.

"Oh... I...don't know what to say about this..." Namjoon chuckled again and said "You don't need to. Just don't let this secret out of this room."

Jimin nodded his head,"Sure Mr. Kim"

"Hmm, and I actually called you cause I was talking with him and between our talk, he slipped in little space. I wanted to play with him but I have a class in 5 minutes, so can you take care of him till I come back? Since I know you both don't have any class for another hour"

Jimin nodded his head and said "Sure Mr. Kim. I don't have any problem"

Namjoon smiled and said "Great. You both can stay here. Just make sure not to make a mess here, I will be back after the class ends and maybe till then he will also come out from his little space"

"Yeah, maybe he will" Jimin responded. Namjoon nodded his head and made his way towards his desk. He took some books and went towards the door. He opened the door and was about to go out when he stopped and turned back.

He looked at Jimin and said "By the way Jimin, Hobi Hyung was asking for your scores in the test. Make sure to have a talk with him" saying, he left from there.

"Okay... Wait how does he know Hobi hyung?" Jimin thought to himself again getting confused.

"Minnie, Joonie and Hobibi are fwiends" Yoonie said while sitting on the couch.

"Oh.. THEY ARE WHAT!!" Jimin shouted. Yoonie shooked his head and said, "You are hopewess Minnie"

 Yoonie shooked his head and said, "You are hopewess Minnie"

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Hey Moonlights

I am back from the hiatus!!

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Words Count- 1102

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