🕊️ Chapter-10🕊️

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3 Years Later

After coming to America, everything changed in Yoongi's life. He became happy. He came out of his depression. He made new friends. He started to smile more. He opened up completely.

And that's the reason he became successful. Wanna know how much success he earned in this three years?
Here is a little glimpse

"Best Producer of the year award goes to..... Kim Yoongi. Congratulations!!"

"Kim Yoongi once again won the award of Best Songwriter"

"Song of the year award goes to Amygdala by Yoongi!!"

And so on. He became one of the most popular rapper, songwriter, composer and producer.

Now to the present, Yoongi came to the green room after he was finsihed with his last concert.

The staff came and congratulated him for his successful concert. He thanked all of them while removing his coat.

"Yoongi, there is someone who came meet you" Yoongi heard a staff saying. He turned behind and saw a man standing while holding  a big flower bouquet.

Yoongi stood up and immediately went to the person infront of him knowing very well who he is.

"Hyungie" He called and hugged his Hyung. Jin, who was in Korea for the past 1 year due to company work. He just came to America and the first thing he did was meet his younger brother.

Yoongi held onto Jin tightly, feeling a rush of emotions flooding over him. Jin returned the hug just as tightly, his eyes glistening with unshed tears of pride and joy.

"I'm so proud of you, Yoongs," Jin whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "You've come so far, and you've become everything you've ever dreamed of."

Yoongi pulled back slightly to look into Jin's eyes, his own eyes reflecting gratitude and love. "I couldn't have done it without you, Hyung. You've always believed in me, even when I didn't believe in myself."

Jin smiled warmly, brushing a tear from Yoongi's cheek. "You were always destined for greatness, Yoongs. I just helped you see it."

As they stood there, embracing in the warmth of their bond, Yoongi felt a sense of peace wash over him. He knew that no matter where life took him, Jin would always be there by his side, supporting him every step of the way.

"Thank you, Hyung," Yoongi murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "For everything."

Jin squeezed him gently, his heart overflowing with love for his little brother. "Anytime, Yoongs. Anytime."

"By the way, I didn't came alone. There is someone else too who wants to meet you" Jin said breaking the hug.

Yoongi looked back to see who it was but didn't saw anyone. He looked at his Hyung who was just smiling. "Who Hyung?" He asked

"You can come in" Jin said. And soon Yoongi saw two persons coming inside but he couldn't see them properly cause Jin was standing infront of him.

Jin moved to the side so Yoongi could see them. And as Yoongi saw them, he froze. His eyes filled with tears.

"W..what are you both doing here?" He managed to ask in his shaky voice. He looked at his Hyung and asked, "Hyungie, why are they here?"

"Yoongs, they are here to apologise. They are here to tell you that they are proud of you. They are here to take back their son" Jin said while holding his hand.

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