Chapter 6: Lake Mellie

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I pull into the grass in front of the fair grounds. I wait a few minutes before I hear a vehicle pull up. Scotty gets out of his bronze, Ford F-150 King Ranch. He pats the hood as I get out of Roxie.

"Nice King Ranch," I walk up smiling.

He comes around the side of the truck smiling in a black t-shirt with a faded flag on it and a dark red swimsuit. I suck in a quiet breath.

Whoa mama...

"Thanks," his deep, melodic voice is mesmerizing. He gives me a hug.

"That shirt looks great on you," he says giving me the once over.

"You're so sweet, and not looking so bad yourself," I blush slightly, Smooth Cals... He grins lopsidedly. We look at each other for a while and I get lost in his smile. I clear my throat and tear my eyes away to look at the trucks.

"So we both brought trucks, which one do you wanna take? Roxie knows the way, and I'd hate to get this purty little thing dirty," I tap the Ford. My brain quickly registers what I just said.

I giggle nervously and bite my lip, "Yeah I named my truck. I know it's lame-" He cuts me off by touching my hand, I think I see sparks where our fingers connect.

"No worries, some trucks just deserve names. That's Loretta."

Thank goodness, "Well Loretta is awfully clean to go where we're going, so we'll take Roxie," I suggest. I climb into the driver's seat and Scotty hops in the other side. I crank the ignition and start along the road toward my house.

Scotty slips off his shoes, "Do you mind?"

I grin, "No problem, Roxie and I don't mind when my friends take off their shoes."

"Is that what I am," he asks.

I stutter, "Uh, yeah. I mean- I like you. I like you a lot actually. I-" I stop before I can embarrass myself more. I feel my cheeks color brightly. He is smiling at me. He turns away and mutters to himself.

"Because I think we can be so much more..."

I park Roxie in the clearing that leads to the lake. Scotty hops out really fast and runs around to my side while I grab the picnic basket and blanket.

He opens the door for me and offers his hand to help me, "My grandma always said if 'you don't beat her to the door... you ain't worth it!' "

I am smiling, "Well thank you. Our destination is just through these trees."

I shyly slip my hand in his and lead him between two oaks to the lake. He stops in his tracks to take in the clear water and lush forest. I leave him there. I make sure he's not looking before I strip off my shirt and shorts. After that I set the picnic up a few feet away.

While I was doing that he apparently snuck over to me because I turn around and he wraps me in a bear hug, "Thank you," he murmurs. I hug him back. He took off his shirt so I notice his skin is warm and I sigh, I think he hears me. We finally pull away, he is grinning ear to ear and to hide my blush I sprint to the rope swing and do a double back flip into the cool water. As I come up I see Scotty jump off the dock and land a few feet away with a huge splash. I laugh as I feel hands pull me under and I see him smiling too. We both come up laughing hysterically. We splash around and chase each other for a couple hours.

We climb out and start the picnic. I am sitting, staring off into the trees when he lays his head in my lap. I gasp because his hair is cold and look down to see him smiling crookedly with his eyes closed.

"Where's your girlfriend," I ask, "Would she approve?"

With his eyes still closed he answers, "I don't have a girlfriend."

I ruffle his hair, "There is no way a cutie like you can, not have a girlfriend." He opens those baby blues of his and looks at me.

"Well I'm hoping to soon," I blush and smile back. The two of us leave it at that and just spend our time enjoying each other's quiet company.

About an hour later we get back in the water. We hop in the canoe Mel and I put under the dock. We just slowly row around and enjoy casual conversation.

I notice him gazing at me, "What are you looking at," I ask, genuinely curious.

He grins, "You. Your face is so expressive, very easy to read. It's fascinating..." Here comes the blush again, "and that blush is very cute."

It quickly turns into anything but casual when Scotty asks, "So what about you, what will your boyfriend say?"

I roll my eyes, "Oh please, I don't have a boyfriend. I'm not very pretty." We have stopped rowing so he takes my hand in his and reaches up to touch my cheek.

"Well I think you're the most thoughtful, kind and yes, pretty, girl I've ever met..."

"Thank you," I answer quietly. I look up into his crystal baby blue eyes and see that he is sincere. We gaze into each other's eyes for what feels like eternity and I feel a fire in my chest and where his hand rests on my cheek. I think he feels it too because he lets go of my hand and slides his into my hair. I tentatively place my hand on his muscular chest. Seeing his smile, I lean in and close my eyes and I feel him do the same. The moment before our lips touch we tumble into the water. All of our movements had rocked the boat. Oh my goodness... I almost had my first kiss... I come up to the surface laughing joyfully and notice Scotty is too. Oops...

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