Chapter 16: S'mores and Romance

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Dani nods and hugs Dallas tightly, "Yes," she manages to say. Everyone aw's or ew's at the pair.

Austin looks at his brother with what I think is a smidge of genuine affection, "Aw look at my little bro... All grown up and asking girls out..."

Never mind...

Sammy smacks him upside the head, "Leave him alone I think it's cute," she scolds.

He immediately tries to back track, "Well I mean-"

Dallas nods, "Haha! Try and recover from that one bro! You're just saying that because Sammy said it first."

I roll my eyes, Thank heavens I don't have a brother, "Well it's your turn so spin the bottle," I inform Dallas.

He spins the bottle and it slowly comes to a stop... Right at Sammy. Dallas smirks.

Austin just rolls his eyes, "You have to be kidding me."

Collin laughs, "This oughta be good."

Dallas crosses his arms, "Sammy, truth or dare?"
She chooses the safe side, "Truth."

Dallas nods contently. He reaches for another s'more. Before popping it in his mouth he asks, "Do you have feelings for my brother?" Sammy's mouth drops wide open. She blushes a bright pink and Austin's face turns red.

I lean over and whisper to Scotty, "I can't tell if he is embarrassed or mad," I say giggling. Scotty replies, "He's ticked look at his hands." I glance and see Austin's fists clenching.

Sammy is looking at the ground as she answers, "Well I- I like- I-... He-..." She takes a deep breath the try and control herself. Releasing her breath she quietly answers, "I mean, I... Like him... A lot... Yes, I do... Have feelings." Austin looks up surprised. Dallas sits back in the pillows and smirks. In an obvious panic Sammy looks at Austin, "Look, I understand if he- You... Don't feel the same way. We just met and i-" she doesn't get to finish. Austin wrapped his hand around her and has pulled her in. Their lips meet and the whole room goes silent. The two of them part and Sammy turns a bright pink again and smiles at him with wide eyes.

Johnathan lets loose a whistle and Collin hollers, " 'Atta boy!"

Melanie rolls her eyes, "Y'all are so immature."

Elizabeth nods in Mel's direction, "Give me a break."

Sammy clears her throat and asks, "So I guess it's my turn?"

Scotty nods, "Appears so," he gives her an encouraging smile. She nervously grabs the bottle and spins it. It lands on Mel.

Sammy looks at Mel, "Truth or Dare Mel?" Mel chooses Dare and has to do the chicken dance. When she is done she spins the bottle. I am terrified when it lands on me. Mel rubs her hands together evilly and cackles, Oh dear... "Truth or Dare," Mel narrows her eyes playfully.

No doubt about this answer, "Truth," I answer without thinking.

Her face visibly falls, in a deadpan voice she continues, "Fine, you're no fun. Fine... Have you ever..." She sits and ponders the last part of her question. Maybe this was a bad idea... "Gone skinny dipping," she shouts victoriously.

All the boys nearly jump out of their skin, "Nope! Nope! Nope," Collin says shaking his head.

Jonathan claws at his eyes, "Oh God!"

Dallas actually does stand up, "Alright! And that's the end of our latest game of Truth-or-Dare! Callie, what movies do you have?"

Mattie is crying she is laughing so hard. Dani is looking mortified, apparently bothered by the idea of me skinny dipping. Elizabeth gets up because she fell out of her seat laughing, "Oh dear!"

Lael pats Riley on the shoulder, I can't tell if he is fake crying or actually sobbing, "Y'all look more scared than deer in the headlights! Don't worry, the answer is no," I reassure them. I stand up and slide the disc for the movie in and grab another couple s'more as I sit back down. I select play and the opening scene of Princess Bride begins. Scotty only looks slightly uncomfortable about the whole conversation that just happened. As I sit down I hand him a s'more. He smiles and wraps his arms around me, I snuggle into him.

His deep voice reverberates through his chest, "I knew that would be your answer."

I am munching on my sticky s'more so look up at him, "Mmm?"

He nods, "Yep, you're too innocent. It's who you are, I love it."

Before I know what's happening he leans down and pecks me on the lips. A fire ignites everywhere we're touching. But the feeling only lasts for a split second until he pulls away and licks his lips, "Sorry you had s'more on your lip, couldn't help myself," he smiles sideways.

Pulling myself out of a daze, I manage to get out, "Guess not..." I smile too and settle back down and tuck myself happily into his arms.

We are only about fifteen minutes into the movie when Sammy gets a phone call. She apologizes and as I pause the screen she picks up.

She walks into the kitchen, "Hello," a pause. "This is she... Good to meet you Mrs. Smithson, how can I help?" All of us are trying to be quiet, partially because we want her to be able to hear the other person, but mostly because we want to eavesdrop.

I turn around and see Sammy get a confused look on her face, "A checkup for your bearded dragon? Over the phone?... Okay, does she seem okay? Any health issues?... Is she predisposed for any medical problems?... You say she is constantly chasing your other female dragon?... And she rarely hunts... Okay Mrs. Smithson," she stops pacing.

She is obviously thinking about what to say next, "Yes, I think I know the problem. Skyler is actually a female... Do me a favor and pick it up. Okay now look at her from behind and tell me what you see... Uh-huh... Yes... You see, females don't have that part Mrs. Smithson..."

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