Chapter 15: Truth or Dare

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Everyone claps and Mel calls for an encore. Dani laughs, "Nope! It's s'more time!" She darts inside and comes back out with her arms full of marshmallows, chocolate and graham crackers. The boys jump up and start grabbing marshmallows. I am leaning against Scotty heavily.

He kisses the top of my head head and whispers, "Thank you..."

I am confused so I look up at him, "You're thanking me? Why?"

He smiles devastatingly, "For being my inspiration..."

I am touched that he wrote the song for me, "Scotty... I-"

He interrupts me, "My record label has already set up most of the songs for my album. But I get to help write the songs for the next album, maybe I can convince them to put this one on my debut album."

I cannot believe he wants to put a song he wrote about me on his album, "Maybe, just don't get in trouble," I kiss his cheek.

He pulls me up by the hand, "I won't. Now let's make some s'mores!"

He grabs two skewers and about eight marshmallows. He hands me four of them and shoves his on his skewer. I laugh holding my marshmallows just above the fire. Austin and Dallas shove theirs directly into the middle of the blaze and they catch of fire immediately. After a few seconds they blow out the flames and the marshmallows are charred.

Dallas smacks his lips exaggerating, "Perfection!"

Mattie looks at him in disgust, "Ew you like them burnt? I don't know if we can be friends," she jokes.

I shake my head, "Me neither, that's gross." Everyone cracks up.

"Okay how do you like your marshmallows, Callie," Riley asks me.

I stand up taller pretending to give a speech, "Well, I like mine golden brown on the outside because then they are perfectly liquid-y on the inside." I check my treats, removing them I pretend to show them off.

"Liquid-y you say," I hear a voice, "Like this!?" Next thing I know a pair of hands rips a marshmallow off my skewer and shoves in on my nose. I whip around and see Dani laughing her socks off.

"You're in for it now little Sis," I threaten. I wipe the gooey substance off my nose and streak it across my cheekbones and forehead like war paint. She squeals and runs away until I catch her and smother two of the sticky things all over her face.

I jump back and observe my handy work, "There, now we're even." Dani jokingly flicks some of it at me and licks the rest off. Everyone is dying of laughter.

By the time all the marshmallows are roasted there are about fifty s'mores, all with ranging degree of toastiness.

I get up, "Who's up for a movie," I suggest. Everyone raises their hands like little kindergarteners. I grab the platter of marshmallows while Dani grabs the stacks of Hershey bars and Mel snags the graham crackers. Everyone follows us, or the food, inside. Mel, Dani and I set the food up in the middle of all the pillows and blankets in the family room. They are all set up around the coffee table in front of the television.

Mel flops down next to Johnathan; Mattie squeezes in beside Andrew. Sammy and Austin are in our love seat. Dani glances over at Dallas, I catch her attention and nod at her slightly. She grabs a couple s'mores and skips happily over to the pillows near him and greets him happily. I snuggle in next to Scotty.

He kisses my temple and asks me, "So what would you think of Dani and Dallas dating?" He is smiling in their direction. I look that way too and see Dani smiling broadly.

I begin to smile too, "She could do worse," I joke. He chuckles deeply.

My stars that laugh is mesmerizing...

I sit up, trying to clear my head enough to speak, "Who wants to play Truth-or-Dare," I ask. Everyone agrees, so I run into the kitchen and grab an empty glass Coke bottle. Running back in I set it up on the table.

"What are you doing," Lael asks me.

Mel sees the bottle, so does Dani, "Oh boy," they utter in unison.

The others look confused, "We are playing Callie's version of Truth-or-Dare. The bottle decides who you have to ask," Dani explains.

"Hey, I think it adds a fun twist," I defend, "Okay I'll start."

I spin the bottle, it lands on Dallas. I glance at Scotty and smirk. He is smiling too, "Okay Dallas... Truth or Dare?" Dallas crooks one eyebrow at me and thinks about his answer.

"Dare," he answers boldly. I cross my arms smugly, "I dare you to ask my sister out... We all know you want to."

Dallas gets a scared look on his face, "Oh and if you back out we will shame you in some way," I warn.

Austin laughs, "Forget that! I'll never let him live this down if he backs out." Dallas looks around uncomfortably. Dani is shooting me a look that is a mix of gratitude, hatred and affection. Mel is trying not to die of laughter.

Everyone has apparently taken note that the two of them are drawn to each other. They are all smiling and nodding. The tension in the room grows as everyone wonders what Dallas will do. I settle back agains the pillow chair I have build.

Scotty wraps his arm around my waist, "Nice one baby. Dani will thank you later," he assures me. I nod against his chest, "Yeah if-"

Dallas looks at me, "Thank you for giving me this opportunity Callie." He faces my sister, "Dani... I didn't think it would happen like this, but I have wanted to ask you out for sometime. And now that I know your sister approves... Will you do me the honor of going out with me?"

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