Chapter 20: Goodbye

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We got back late that night. I check the time as I hear Scotty pull out of the driveway. I walk upstairs to my room. I change into my most comfortable pajamas and dejectedly flop onto my bed. I am cuddling Garner silently when I hear Dani's door open and footsteps coming down the hall. Dani, Mel and Sammy all peek their heads in, "Hey," I murmur. Mel comes over and pats my leg under the covers as she sits, "Hey yourself. That wasn't very enthusiastic." Dani plops down near my feet, "Is something wrong?" Sammy remains silent but she joins the girls on my bed. She looks a bit on edge. I sniffle, and feel tears well up. In an instant, Dani knows something is very, wrong. Her eyes soften with concern, "Sissy..." she asks tentatively. A few tears fall onto Garner's fur and I watch them fall. I bite the inside on my lip to control my breathing. I can't bear to look up, "He's leaving," I manage to force the words out. I sniffle again, "What," Mel asks. I look up. Judging by the looks on their faces, they didn't hear me, "He's leaving... He has to go back on tour," I repeat.

Mel gasps and I see Sammy's face fall. She looks down, defeated. Dani crawls up and wraps her arms around me and my pony. She strokes my hair, "Oh Sissy! I'm so sorry!" Mel comes up to my other side, "Oh sweetie..." her voice is filled with pity. She wraps she arm around my shoulders and uses her other hand to pet Garner. Sammy hasn't looked up, "Callie I'm so sorry. And now I don't know how to tell you this." She finally looks upend I see the sadness on her brown eyes, "You know Freedom?" I feel Dani nod, "Your eagle," she clarifies. Sammy's hands keep fidgeting, "I just got off the phone with my mom and..." She can't seem to get the words out, "His- his health is failing. I have to go home." Not this too... Not two people in the same day... Mel's face scrunches in sympathy, "Oh baby, why are you still here? Go home, your family needs you." Dani reassures her, "We've got things covered here." I know I need to comfort my friend, "Oh Sammy, I understand. It's alright, go home. I love you girl!" Dani rubs my back, "Text us. We'll see you soon!" Sammy gets up and leaves the the room. Mel follows her to help. We hear them grab her bags and walk outside. Two honks sound in the driveway as Sammy pulls away, "Bye girl," Mel hollers back. She re-enters and sits down on the bed. Finally I let the tears fall.

I panic when I hear Scotty pull up in Loretta. I feel Mel place a hand on my shoulder comfortingly as I take a deep breath. Dani gives me a swift hug. I look them both in the eye for confidence. Hey smile and I nod. I step outside as Scotty hops out of his truck. He notices Sammy's car is gone, "Hey, didn't Sammy stay the night?" I finally reach him but I can't bear to meet his gaze, "She had to leave," like you... "Family issues." There is a long pause. My eyes remain glued to the ground as he addresses me, "Callie," his baritone voice is hypnotic. His hand gently pulls my chin up and forces me to look at him. My eyes naturally find his sparkling, vivid, crystal blue eyes. I memorize his face for a few moments. Then a wave of suffocating depression hits me, along with the realization of how much I really will miss him. Tears well up in my eyes and I know he sees them. I close my eyes as he brushes one away, "You're crying..." His voice, his beautiful voice breaks, "And it's because of me..." He takes a shaky breath. He lets go of my chin and wraps me in a heart wrenching hug. I only cry more. I feel our hearts beat in a bittersweet rhythm.

We let go and he tries to apologize, "And I can't do anything about it. Dagum Callie! I've never felt this way about anyone! I don't know what I'm supposed to do! You're sad and I can't even th-" I stop him by hugging him around the waist again. My head is laying in the middle of his well built chest, "I know... I understand and I don't blame you. I blame myself." He rests his head on mine, "Why," he asks, confused. "I think I always knew you would have to leave. Plus you're out of my league. But I figured we could travel down this road and see where it took us. I knew it was only a matter of time before you left," I pause briefly, "Or- or I fell for you... I don't think I expected the latter to come first." He doesn't respond, just locks his arms around me tighter. I pull away and look into his eyes again, "Just... Promise you won't forget me," I ask tentatively. He brushes a few stray hairs behind my ears, "I promise." He walks over to his truck and pulls something out, "And you won't forget me if you have this." He reveals my present and I notice it is a Garner Trojans sweatshirt. He smiles one-sidedly, "It is one of my favorites and I know you love sweatshirts. So this is for you to remember me by." He hands it to me and I cuddle it close. He pulls me into a long, lasting embrace and whispers in my ear, "I will call you every weekend. I promise we will see each other soon blue jean baby..." He tugs my braid and kisses my forehead, as he steps away I smile sadly, "I'll hold you to that Cowboy."He gets in his truck and pulls out of the drive without ever breaking eye contact.

I look around as I wipe away a tear. The leaves are beginning to change... You know, he's right. I am sad and I am crying because of him. He is leaving me... But it's not his fault we ran out of summertime...


Out of SummertimeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora