Chapter 10: Sweet Dreams Cowboy

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It is late in the evening when Scotty has to leave. I walk him out to Loretta with my arm wrapped around his waist. I give him a hug and press my cheek to his chest.

"Thank you."

He rubs my back, "You're welcome," his deep clear voice is comforting, "I hope I pass the test."

I smile up at him, "I'm sure you did. My mom really likes you." He chuckles deeply but becomes very serious and glances at the door. Without any words I know what he is worried about. I turn and look at the house, "My dad is still letting go," I reassure him. He wraps me in another hug, his arms are iron bars protecting me. I breathe in his heavenly scent, the cool ocean and a summer night.

I feel him lean down and whisper, "Good, I don't want to lose you..."

I melt into him, "Neither do I..." He pulls away, still holding me, which is probably a good thing, I don't know if I would be able to support myself on my weak knees. His eyes meet mine and briefly glance at my lips; his smile sweetly. I think he is going to kiss me as he leans down.

At the last second he adjusts his stance and kisses my cheek, I hear his deep rasp close to my ear, "See you later Callie."

"See ya McCreery," I smile as he climbs into Loretta.

"Sorry we never got to that restaurant. Lucky for me your mom is a great cook" he called out.

I answer as he pulls away, "No worries!" He honks twice and drives off. I watch him go and walk back into the house with mildly wobbling legs.

My mom is standing at the front window, "You picked a good one darling." She turns around and starts to clean up dinner. I stand there watching her, she looks up at me. She glances into the family room where Dad is sitting and jerks her head in his direction.

I walk over and give him a hug, "Daddy?" I walk over and sit in the spot next to him. I get there just in time to see a single tear fall.

"Daddy! Oh Daddy! If you don't like him-" I don't get to finish.

He wipes away the tear, "That's the problem... I do, I couldn't find anything to hold against him..."

I start to say, "But-"

He stops me with his hand, "What I thought was his worst trait, turned out to be his best... He really does like you baby..." Another tear falls. He wipes that one away too, "I can see it in his eyes...," he picks up my hands, "Callie if you really have feelings for him, never. Let. Him. Go... But please, don't lose my Baby C."

I tear up and throw my arms around his neck, "You'll never lose me Daddy! I'm always your Baby C!" I kiss his cheek and run into my room.

I immediately grab my phone and text Mel first;
C: Mel! They loved him!
M: That is great! How was dinner?

I laugh, we had completely forgotten about the restaurant.

C: We actually didn't end up going! Mom made her Salisbury steak and Scotty ate two!
M: Wow!! So he approves of her cooking... | What did they think of him?

I take a deep breath and figure out how to word my answer

C: My mom is hooked, she loves him
M: And...
C: Oh my gosh Mel... Dad loves him too... He told me that the reason he likes Scotty is because Scotty likes me...
M: !!!!!! | Even your parents love the the boy!
C: I know! I just can't believe it!
M: Oh baby I am so happy for you! | You know how many girls will be jealous of you right?
C: Hasn't even crossed my mind...
M: Well they will be
C: Oh Mel, I'm so excited!
M: Well duh! He's perfect for you! 

I giggle.

C: Glad you approve!
M: Of course! | Alright I gotta work tomorrow, night girlie!
C: Good luck! Night!

I set my phone down and sigh. I change into my pajamas to get comfortable. Tired, I flop into bed I fluff my pillow behind my head. Climbing under the covers, I see a text,

S: Tell your mom thank you for dinner! Sleep tight baby!

I make sure I have read it right, I did. He called me baby... He called me baby! What do I do?! I laugh happily and squeeze my pony, Garner. How do I respond?

C: I will! Sweet dreams Cowboy! I type. I snuggle deeper into the covers and turn my lamp off.

I sigh again, looking into Garner's eyes, "McCreery you are somethin' else..." Looking at Garner reminds me of Platinum Prize. Guess that is where I am spending my day tomorrow, maybe I will take them for a walk in the area... I fall asleep quickly.

I am riding through rolling hills of lush grass and fragrant wildflowers. I laugh joyfully and urge my horse to pick up speed. I feel another rider come up behind me... Without even looking I know who it is... We ride until we reach a long stretch of field. We pause on the outer edge for a moment to observe the beauty... With just a glance at each other we both spur our steeds on racing through the field faster and faster. I take the lead as we reach the end and let out a happy shout... Our horses walk back to the middle of the field... They stand facing opposite directions, our saddles aligning... We remain that way for what feels like eternity... His arm wraps around my waist and his other hand runs through my hair. While my hand clings to his neck and brushes his cheekbone... We lean in, our eyes close...

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