Chapter 7: Plans for Tomorrow

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*PSA: Shout-out to FourtyNineEightyGirl for the title idea!!! Check out her story; Dark Fae Hunters!!!*
Also: Keep me updated people!!! I would love to hear your thoughts and what you want to read or see from me!!!

Scotty and I laugh it off and flip the canoe back over. We spend hours just talking, swimming and sometimes just sitting together. Neither of us brings up the non-kiss, but I think we have come to an understanding that we should slow down and take our time. We don't want to rush anything, but I don't mind whenever he takes my hand in his.

I am sitting on the blanket; Scotty is laying down when he suddenly sits up and reaches into the picnic basket.

I quirk one eyebrow at him, "What are you doing?"

He looks victorious as he finds what he needs and answers me, "This," he catches my hand and brings it around to the other side of him. I can't see what he's doing until he gently blows on the outside of my hand. A shiver runs up my arm.

"Looks great on that sun-kissed tan," he turns back to smile at me. I pull it to me and see what he did; Scotty McCreery has written his phone number on my hand in blue Sharpie. I follow his motions as he pulls it back to him. I watch in shock as he smooths my fingers down and kisses them.

"Scotty you-" I start but he interrupts me by shushing me with his finger, "Usually now is when the other person reciprocates," he suggests.

I narrow my eyes playfully and mutter, "Are you fond of that finger?"

He quickly pulls away while I laugh and snatch the Sharpie and his hand. I write my number with my loopy print and blow on it just like he did, "Goes well with your farmers tan." I don't regret a single part of today, I think to myself as I cap the Sharpie. I smile at Scotty about to tell him that when he speaks first.

"Thank you so much Callie... You are the first person who has treated me like a person since I've won. I have been feeling like more of a name and a trophy than me; Scotty McCreery. I am having such a great time with you... I've never felt so alive and I think we..." I silence him with a kiss on his hand I am still holding and look into his eyes, "Me too..."

The sun is setting when we begrudgingly decide to leave. We clean up the picnic and I slip back into my shirt and shorts. I offer my hand as we're exiting and he slides his fingers between mine. He tosses the basket and blanket in the backseat and opens my door for me again. I smile at him as we pull away and drive back to the fairgrounds.

All too soon we see the field where we left Scotty's truck. I pull up next to Loretta and get out to say goodbye. He comes around and wraps me in another hug.

I stand on my tiptoes and whisper in his ear, "Thank you... I had a great time."

I feel his smile. "So did I." He squeezes me tightly; I feel the muscles of his neck and shoulders rippling. I fight the urge to sigh again, my head rests perfectly in the center of his chest and I feel his beating heart. He lets go before I do. I stand there with my arms wrapped around his neck. God I could kiss you...

I stand up and peck him on the cheek, "Goodnight Scotty." He smiles that lopsided smile looking victorious, "Night Callie." He gives my hands one last squeeze and jumps into Loretta. I climb into Roxie but watch Scotty drive off before I start her engine and drive home.

I arrive at my house and everybody has eaten dinner. I don't mind because I'm not hungry. With a few words of reassurance to my parents I head into my room and flop down on my bed. I pick up my phone that I left on my bed on purpose. I see three texts from Mel so I open my phone to look at them.

M: Good luck baby! | I'll see you at your house! | 8 o'clock... You better be there! I type a response.
C: Hey! Sorry, I opted to leave my phone at home! See you here, can't wait! I start setting up our nest when I get a text from an unknown number: Hey Callie! I check the number on my hand, Sure enough... I plug the number in my contacts and answer.

C: Hey McCreery! I smile knowing the sweet boy on the other end of the line. I get an immediate response.
S: I had a good time... Are you free again? I don't even ponder my answer, I start typing.
C: Absolutely! What's the plan?
S: What would you like to do?
C: I know a place for dinner near here | Wanna try that?
S: Sure! What's your address, I'll pick you up.

I get an idea. It would mean I have to tell my parents about Scotty sooner but if that means I get to see him again, I'll do it in a heartbeat.

C: We don't have an official address; just keep driving on that dirt road I took you on today until you reach a house. That's me!
S: Alright! I prepare myself for my next text.
C: Hey, would you mind meeting my parents? | I know it's a bit soon but their opinions matter to me | They will love you... He interrupts me while I'm typing an apology,
S: Hey! Relax... I'd love to meet them! If you're any bit like them, I will like them just fine | See ya then beautiful! 'Night!

He's not even here and he can make me blush... I slap my hand over my mouth to cover my giggle.

C: Okay! See ya then McCreery! Sweet dreams!

Mel walks in at that moment.

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