Chapter 18: Globe Trotter

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I wake up and blink a few times. Scotty pulls me closer with his arm firmly wrapped around my waist. Sighing happily I snuggle closer to him. Just as I am drifting off again I hear my door open. Small gasps and smothered giggles fill the room. I open my eyes into slits, Scotty sits us up a little. He is obviously more awake now. In my doorway, Dani, Mel and Sammy are standing and smiling wide. Sammy has slapped a hand over her mouth, clearly trying to contain giggles. Dani quirks her head to one side. Mel shoves Sammy out and quickly follows her. I can only imagine the assumptions they are making.

Scotty appears unfazed, "Hey Dani... What's up," he asks sleepily.

She won't look at us, "Uh- well- ever-," she stutters.

Rolling my eyes I inform her, "Relax Dani. We are both fully clothed and have been all night... I cannot believe y'all would even think of us like that." Scotty chuckles and I feel his chest settle beneath me. Dani visibly relaxes.

"Oh well... I guess, that's good. Uh, well. I- We wanted to tell you that everyone left, it's just us. Sammy and Mel wanna hang."

Glancing up at Scotty for clarification I answer, "Well actually, Scotty and I have another date planned."

At that moment, Mel re-enters and starts bustling Scotty out, "Perfect! That's fine! We can help get you ready, but you can go... Go prep somewhere else," she orders. I text Scotty, Sorry!!! See you at the lake! I get a response as I hear Loretta pull away, See ya there baby! I smile to myself, grateful he understands.

"Um, Callie. Care to explain," Mel is looking at me expectantly.

Sammy nods, "Uh yeah! What was that all about?"

I scowl playfully in her direction, "I don't know, what was that kiss though, Sammy?" She blushes furiously. Dani leads us all into my room onto my bed.

"You first Callie! Then Sammy."

I grin, "Then you," I tickle Dani.

Mel gets my attention by thumping me with a pillow, "So?"

I giggle and swing my pillow around in a circle to hit them all.

"Would y'all relax? Everyone was asleep, I was dozing off so Scotty carried me to my room. Nothing happened!"

Dani asks, "Okay, but that doesn't explain why you were cuddled up?" Mel nods her head.

"We can all read you Callie, there is more! Come on! I love you, you know that! Spill!"

I roll my eyes, "Fine! I told him he could stay with me," I blush, "And I may, in my sleepy state have told him that his eyes are gorgeous, his voice is dazzling and that he's hot okay?" The girls all squeal and gasp. I shake my head, "And we just fell asleep like that... He is like a warm pillow..." I giggle.

"Oh really ," Sammy grins.

I hit her with my pillow, "Yeah, now it's your turn! What in the world is between you and Austin? How was that kiss?"

Now her cheeks color, "Well... I think we're dating... The kiss... It was," she hesitates, "Magical."

We all nod and hug her, "That is wonderful I am so happy for you," Mel tells her. I agree

"Me too! What I can't believe is that my sister is dating your boyfriend's brother!"

Dani nods, "Neither can your sister!"

The girls have me ready in about an hour. I am in pair of faded cutoffs and the bikini Mel gave me. They have all left to go to town and go shopping. I am standing in front of the barn and I see Loretta pull up. Scotty leaps out and sprints over to me.

My face breaks into a wild grin, "Sco-" I start.

I don't get to finish because he scoops me up into crushing hug. I laugh and squeeze his rib cage. Next I hear him whisper something so quiet I can barely make it out, "I'm going to miss you..."

I close my eyes and feel his arms wrap around me tighter. He looks at me cheerfully, unaware that I heard what he said. He raises an eyebrow, "Was that a good enough hug," he asks. I scrunch my nose in thought.

"Hmm... Yep!" I decide to leave him be. If he doesn't want to tell me what he meant, I won't ask.

He nods still holding on to me, "Good! Are we headed to the lake?" I pull away, reluctantly, and walk to the barn, "Yeah! I thought we could ride there." I lead Silver Dollar and Globe Trotter out. Silver nudges my pocket for the sugar cubes she knows I have. I hand her a couple and mount her with ease. Trotter stands tall and alert as Scotty walks over. I watch them cautiously, aware that Trotter isn't always friendly. After a moment Trotter nickers and Scotty swings up and over the horse's back. He is utterly graceful, like they were made for each other. Like your dream... A voice in my head whispers.

I smile and urge Silver into a trot, "I can't believe he likes you! You must be special," I tell Scotty.

"It took a horse to help you realize that? I'm insulted," he jokes.

I can't help but laugh, "Nope! Now I know you're extra special!" Glancing into the trees then back at him I ask, "Do you remember the way?"

Quirking his head to one side he answers, "I think so?"

I grin madly, "Good, then you're up for a race?" He moves Trotter over to where Silver and I are.

"You're on darlin' " he challenges.

"Hope you're ready to eat my dust Cowboy," I threaten, "Go on two."

Scotty looks over at me confused, "Wait wh-"

I holler, "One, two, GO!" Silver takes off.

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