Hans the soldier

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       Maria waited nervously in the barn, the sound of German soldiers approaching making her heart race. She had been hiding there, praying that they would not find her family's farm and take away her brother and father like they had done to so many other families in Poland. She had heard stories of the horrors inflicted by the German army and feared for her loved ones.

But as she crouched in the hay, Maria couldn't help but stare at the handsome soldier leading the group. He was tall and muscular, with piercing blue eyes that seemed to see right through her. Despite the danger, she couldn't deny the attraction she felt towards him. She had seen him in the village walking his rounds and sometimes when a raid took place she saw him leading his group.

The soldiers rummaged through the barn, searching for any sign of resistance or food to confiscate. Maria held her breath, praying they wouldn't find her. But as she saw the soldier she admired walking towards her, Maria knew her hiding spot had been discovered.

He stood in front of her, his gun aimed at her trembling form. She could see the confusion in his eyes, as if he didn't want to hurt her. Maria's fear momentarily dissipated as she found the courage to speak.

'What is your name?' Her voice came out in a whisper, surprising even herself.

The soldier's expression softened at her question. 'Hans. And what is yours, fraulein?'

'Maria.' She replied, trying to keep her voice steady.

Hans studied her for a moment before lowering his gun. 'You are the daughter of the farmer who owns this land, ja?'

Maria nodded, unsure of what to do or say next. But then, to her surprise, Hans let out a sigh and put down his gun.

'I am sorry for this intrusion, Maria. It is not my intention to cause harm to innocent families.' He spoke in a gentle tone, and Maria felt herself relax slightly.

'I know you are only following orders.' She replied, meeting his gaze.

Their eyes locked for what felt like an eternity, both of them silently communicating their feelings. And then, in a moment of boldness, Maria spoke the words she never thought she would say to a German soldier.

'I am in love with you.' Her voice was barely above a whisper, but Hans heard her loud and clear.

He was taken aback by her confession, but he couldn't deny the feelings that had been stirring inside him since he first laid eyes on her. 'I am in love with you too, Maria.' He said, his voice filled with emotion. He had seen her so many times in the village and never could imagine that she too felt the same way about him even though they'd never said a word to each other.

Without a second thought, Hans leaned in and captured Maria's lips in a gentle, yet passionate kiss. The world around them seemed to disappear, and for that moment, they were just two young people falling in love, with no war or conflict between them.

But as the reality of their situation crept back in, they reluctantly pulled away from each other. Maria knew that this could potentially put her and her family in danger, but she couldn't deny her heart any longer.

Hans whispered promises of finding a way to keep her safe, and Maria knew she could trust him. With one last lingering kiss, he left the barn with his fellow soldiers, leaving Maria behind with a newfound sense of hope and love.

She knew that their love would face many challenges in the months to come, but in that moment, surrounded by the scent of hay and the memory of their kiss, Maria knew that their love was worth fighting for.

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