The Break

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       Obi Wan Kenobi and Y/n had been in a secret relationship for almost a year now. As Jedi, they were not supposed to form any attachments or have any personal relationships. But they couldn't resist the attraction between them. Their love was forbidden, but they didn't care. They found ways to steal moments together, in between missions and training.

However, things were becoming harder for them. The other Jedi were starting to notice their closeness and it was becoming difficult to hide their relationship. Y/n could see the worry in Obi Wan's eyes every time they were around the other Jedi. They both knew that they needed to take a break from each other, at least until things calmed down.

Y/n suggested that they take a break and Obi Wan reluctantly agreed. He knew it was the right thing to do, but he couldn't bear the thought of being away from Y/n. They promised each other that it would only be temporary, until they could find a way to be together without breaking the Jedi code.

Obi Wan spent his days in deep meditation, trying to numb the pain in his heart. He missed Y/n so much it physically hurt. He couldn't focus on his missions, and his training suffered as well. The other Jedi noticed the change in him and asked what was wrong, but Obi Wan just brushed it off with a weak smile.

Y/n, on the other hand, threw herself into her work. She knew it was the only way to distract herself from missing Obi Wan. She was determined to prove to the other Jedi that she was a strong and capable Jedi, despite her personal attachment to Obi Wan.

One day, Obi Wan couldn't take it anymore. He missed Y/n too much, and he needed to see her. He sneaked away from the temple and went to one of their secret meeting spots. He sat there, trying to calm his racing thoughts when he saw Y/n walking towards him, hand in hand with another Jedi.

His heart shattered into a million pieces. He thought that Y/n had moved on and found someone else. The pain was too much to bear, and he contemplated ending his life. He couldn't live without Y/n, and if she had found someone else, there was no reason for him to continue living.

As he was about to take his own life, he heard footsteps approaching. He turned around to see Y/n standing there, tears streaming down her face.

'Obi Wan, please don't do this,' she pleaded, her voice filled with panic and sadness.

Obi Wan couldn't believe his eyes. He thought he had lost her, but here she was, in front of him, looking as beautiful as ever.

'What are you doing here with him?' Obi Wan asked, his voice breaking.

Y/n's expression turned to one of confusion. 'With who?'

Obi Wan pointed at the other Jedi, who had stayed a safe distance away, sensing the tension between the two.

'That's Master Kais,' Y/n said, trying to keep her voice steady. 'He's been helping me with my training.'

Obi Wan felt a wave of relief wash over him. He had misunderstood the situation and almost made a terrible mistake. He let out a shaky breath and dropped the lightsaber he had been holding. Y/n rushed over to him and wrapped her arms around him, holding on to him tightly.

'I could never be with anyone else, Obi Wan. You're the only one I love,' Y/n whispered against his chest.

Obi Wan couldn't hold back his tears any longer. He held onto Y/n, feeling grateful and relieved that she was safe and still loved him. They stayed like that for a while, just holding each other, until they were interrupted by Master Yoda, who had been looking for them.

'Y/n and Obi Wan, explain yourselves you must,' he said, wagging his finger at them.

Y/n and Obi Wan quickly gathered themselves and explained everything to Master Yoda. The wise Jedi Master listened to them with a serious expression, but when they finished, he let out a small chuckle.

'Love, not against the Jedi code it is,' he said, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

Obi Wan and Y/n looked at each other, feeling relieved and happy. They knew that their love was strong and nothing could keep them apart.

Master Yoda then gave them a gentle reminder that they still needed to keep their relationship a secret, but he also promised to help them find a way to be together without breaking the Jedi code.

Obi Wan and Y/n left the secret meeting spot, hand in hand, feeling grateful for each other and the love they shared. They knew that their journey would not be easy, but as long as they were together, they could face anything.

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