The Last Embrace

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       In the desolate wasteland of Exegol, where shadows danced like tormented souls, I, Kylo Ren, witnessed the fading embers of a life intertwined with mine. As the tempest of our conflict subsided, we found ourselves in the ruins of the Sith stronghold, a testament to the darkness we both bore.

Before me lay Y/N, her body broken and lifeless. The battle had taken its toll, leaving her a shattered vessel. As I knelt beside her, a surge of emotions coursed through me like molten lava. Anger, regret, and an overwhelming sense of loss gnawed at my soul.

In that moment, I saw beyond the mask of Kylo Ren. I saw the vulnerable boy named Ben Solo, who had once loved this woman with a passion that burned brighter than the fires of Mustafar. But the darkness had consumed me, turning me into a monster. And now, it had claimed the one person who could have redeemed me.

As I held Y/N in my arms, her blood soaking into my pristine black robes, I felt a bittersweet pang of longing. I longed for the days when we were young and innocent, before the weight of destiny fell upon our shoulders. Before the war, the bloodshed, and the betrayal that had torn us apart.

'I'm sorry,' I whispered, my voice choked with regret. 'I'm so sorry.'

A single tear escaped my eye and traced a path down her pale cheek. It was a pitiful attempt at atonement, but it was all I could offer. As darkness enveloped her, I whispered her name, a final plea for forgiveness that would forever remain unanswered.

In that moment, a thousand memories flashed through my mind. I saw Y/N as a young Jedi, her eyes filled with hope and determination. I saw her facing down the First Order with unwavering resolve. And I saw her standing beside me, her hand in mine, as we dreamt of a brighter future.

But those dreams were now nothing but ashes, carried away by the relentless winds of fate. Y/N was gone, and with her went any chance of redemption I may have had. I was forever bound to the darkness, a fallen warrior mourning the loss of his greatest love.

As the light left her eyes, I felt a profound emptiness within me. It was a void that would haunt me for the rest of my existence. I had been consumed by darkness, but Y/N had always been my beacon of hope. With her gone, I was utterly lost.

I remained kneeling beside her body long after she had breathed her last. The weight of my grief crushed me, suffocating any semblance of peace or tranquility I might have hoped to find. In the solitude of that desolate planet, I mourned the woman I had loved and lost, knowing that I would never again feel the warmth of her embrace or hear the sound of her laughter.

As night fell and the stars twinkled above us, I realized that Exegol was nothing but a tomb. It was a place where love and hope had been buried deep beneath the frozen soil of despair. And I, Kylo Ren, was its sole inhabitant, forever imprisoned in the darkness that had consumed me.

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