Chapter 5 - The Enkantos

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The following days, the two were stalking Tiyoy Gustin until Phi told Uncle Ed about the two suspecting of Tiyoy Gustin as an Enkanto. Uncle Ed asked Tiyoy Gustin for a meet up to clarify some situations before it got out of hand.

"Whoa! The 'taiho'", Angel said as she saw Tiyoy Gustin with Uncle Ed having a bowl of batchoy by the road side.

"I told you, a 'taiho' is a 'tikbakang'. A reverse centaur", Rupert said.

"So what's a centaur in Bisaya then?", Angel asked.

"I don't know, centaur I guess", Rupert said.

"That's English", Angel said. "'Taiho' is centaur in Bisaya." NOTE: The author is not about this too. What would you say guys. Please leave a comment.

"Okey okey save that for later", Uncle Ed said. "First you two should apologize to Tiyoy Gustin for stalking him and suspecting of an Enkanto".

The two were silent. Then Rupert asked, "Are you sure you're not an Enkanto?" Phi elbowed Rupert gently.

"Uncle Ed said Enkantos have...", Angel trailed off then embarrassingly rub a finger between her eyebrows and gestured her fingers on her eyes pointing outwards.

"Ah this", Tiyoy Gustin. "I'm afraid I'm not your matinee idol and I don't look handsome. Although my wife said it looked cute on me. This is actually how I looked when I was born. I got my eyebrows from my mother and my eyes from my father. And I'm not an Enkanto".

"You got those from your parents?", Rupert asked, "We're they Enkantos".

"I'm sorry to disappoint you but I'm not an Enkanto. Nor my parents are Enkantos", Said Tiyoy Gustin. "Nor do I know any Enkantos", he added as Angel was about to ask if Tiyoy Guston knew of any Enkantos.

Finally the two gave up and apologized to Tiyoy Gustin. Then Angel ordered batchoy and siopao for everyone.

"Actually, I meet a lot of tourists taking pictures with me. They said I'm an Enkanto so I got used to it", Tiyoy Gustn said. "Sometimes they gave me some spare change for the trouble."

"Oh I have an idea, why don't we put up a Wall of Monsters with Filipino mythological creatures on it. We'll feature the picture we took with Tiyoy Gustin as proof of Enkanto", Angel suggested.

"Uhm, calling an Enkanto as monster is rude",Rupert said softly.

"Oh yeah. No offense Tiyoy Gustin. We'll call it was Wall of Myths then", Angel said.

"I'm okay with that. Brings in tourist and makes the local economy lively", Tiyoy Gustin said.

"Yeah, that would awesome", Rupert said.

"How about it Phi", asked Uncle Ed.

"As I had always been saying, these two are crazy", Phi said while enjoying his bowl of batchoy with siopao.

The following day, the four friends asked their classmates and schoolmates about Enkanto, monster, creatures, and ghost sightings.

Then the school fair was to be held on the school foundation day. Each class where asked to come up with an idea to attract visitors to come to their school fair.

Sir Grande suggested an Enkanto theme for the Junior High during a meeting.

"My Grade 8 class have this Enkanto research going on, headed by a group of top students. I propose the Grade 8 class go for an Enkanto Sightings theme", Sir Grande suggested.

"Oh, I heard about that. My children were into it. They want to promote the local myths of the village. Maybe we can support their efforts officially", one Senior High School teacher said. The other teachers excitedly discussed the topic. They regressed to being in their childhood years when Patag was said to have several sightings of Enkantos, spirits and ghosts.

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