Chapter 10 - The Soldier's Diary

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"Under the general's orders, I enlisted three junior officers and sixteen soldiers from the Imperial Japanese Army. With two commandeered helicopters, their pilots, and technicians, our task was to conceal assigned treasures within a mountain cavern, guided by a map provided by the general.

We loaded heavy boxes, shuttling back and forth late into the night, under the watchful eyes of junior officers at both ends of the journey.

Our breakfast of rice and fish was accompanied by patriotic songs, followed by a ceremony where I bestowed medals and Katana swords upon my comrades, who were then ordered to perform kamikaze missions upon their return.

As the sun rose, the helicopters, laden with our sacrificed companions, collided in a final salute to their loyalty. We then rested, concealing the treasures in the cavern behind a waterfall, replanting trees to obscure the entrance.

Our order was to guard the treasures until the general who knew our location will send in an officer to let us know that our mission has ended. Rank was not to be mentioned and instead refer to me as elder brother.

We replanted trees where the helicopters had landed to hide the cavern entrance and live the following days in the cavern. The cavern is behind a waterfall with a pool of water inside. Light is coming in from the cavern ceiling, behind the waterfall, and on a cavern opening that leads to a steep and rocky ledge. The only way in and out of the cavern is through the ceiling.

We moved the treasures to a tunnel planning to setup traps and explosives. But one night Akui reported to have witnessed something. It was a full moon and there was a glowing wall of light on the cavern ledge. The ledge opened to a steep side of the mountain with sharp rocky bottom. At first we threw some stones on the glowing wall. Onoda volunteered to check the glowing wall.

Onoda ventured through, revealing a strange world beyond. Intrigued, I followed suit, emerging into a forest bathed in daylight, with peculiar flora and fauna. There was a stream in front of the cave. I ventured to the stream smelled the water. When I tasted the water it tasted sweet and I felt refreshed and energized. Then I felt strange and heard a voice telling him I had gained Command and Sanctuary. Then I had an understanding that with Command, I can command an enemy or creature. Then with Sanctuary, it allows me protection or an ally from attacks.

I went back to the glowing wall and emerged on the other side. I was back on the ledge with the remaining men. I asked Onoda if he heard a voice telling him about gaining something. Onoda said he did not hear anything. I asked if he went out of the cave and Onoda said he did not but went back to inspect the glowing wall and found himself back on the ledge.

Curiosity piqued, we ventured forth again, discovering the flow of time differed between realms. I exercised my newfound power, commanding alien creatures, and returning with a slain beast.

I ordered the men to skin and butcher the alien animal as we will be having meat. Matsumoto who knows how to cook commented that the four eyed animals is like an elk. After skinning and cleaning the animal the men roasted it and the aroma was delicious.

Finally it was ready to eat. Everybody was hesitant. They knew it was an alien animal. Again Onoda volunteered to taste it first. After a nibble, he commented it was delicious and went ahead to have a larger bite. Onoda said that if he is going to die it was better that he die with a full stomach.

I was waiting for Onoda to hearing something but he was silently enjoying the meat. After a hearty meal, he commented to fell lighter and stronger. The rest of the roasted animal was smoked for later. We waited of whatever effect might have on Onoda. Our medic Tezuka was on standby. After one hour, Onoda said he still feel good. And did several pushups and sit ups and did not feel tired.

The next morning Onoda commented he felt he was back to normal and asked if he could have some of the smoked meat. I gave permission to Onoda and again eat meat with rice while we eat rice and fish.

After breakfast, Onoda tried lifting a large stone with ease. Then tried a larger stone and lifted it up his head. Finally a large boulder and can only manage to roll it.

The noon came and I told Onoda to be back on regular food and no smoked alien meat for now. No smoked alien meat on dinner time either. The next day, Onoda was still fine.

As everyone were still hesitant, I tried the smoked meat and it was really delicious. I felt a surge of strength and vigor. I ordered the rest of the men to eat up. After eating everyone felt like super soldiers.

I ordered Ishinomori and Matsumoto to build a large wooden door on the cave entrance and the remaining four men to move the boxes to the portal cave before the glowing wall disappears. Two men lifted a solid box full of gold bars with ease when it was previously barely lifted by four soldiers. The men worked all day but were not feeling tired.

I must secure the treasure in the portal cave and bring a canteen of water and some animal meat to the Imperial Japanese Army Headquarters. With it, I will convince the general that a group of super soldier can bring guaranteed victory to the empire", the major wrote on his diary.

The last few pages of the notebook were written in unsteady strokes.

"I ordered the men to arrange the boxes in stacks on each side of the cave. A box of treasure was missing so I came to the tunnel in the cavern. I found Zaiku and Akui intentionally hiding a box on the cave. When they saw me, they drew their bayonets to attack me. I used Command and commanded them to attack each other. As they engaged is a duel, I lifted the remaining box and reached the main cavern.

Onoda and Tezuka were wondering what had happened. I used Command to tell me of their loyalty. They obeyed and told me that they are loyal to their emperor and to their mother land. I told them that the Zaiku and Akui tried kill me and plan to run away with the treasure. I asked where the other two men were and they were still on the other side working on the wooden door.

I ordered Onoda and Tezuka to bring the remaining box and all their weapons and ammunitions and to wait in the cave portal before the glowing wall disappears.

Then I sneaked back to where I left Zaiku and Akui. Zaiku was lying dead. There were traces of blood towards the inner tunnel. Akui hooked up the bayonet to his rifle and turned around and saw me approaching. Akui grabbed a grenade as I unholstered my pistol. I shot Akui on the chest as he was about to throw the grenade at me.

Akui fell down and the grenade rolled towards me and I had barely time to jump back before there was an explosion. I felt pain all over my body and the tunnel has collapsed. I went my way back to the portal with heavy injuries.

The four men were ready with their rifles. They assisted me and brought him out of the cave to have from fresh air while Tezuka to my wounds with the medical kit that we had with us. The cave entrance was built with a thick wooden door and a Torii gate outside. There were two moons on the late afternoon sky. I commended Matsumoto and Ishinomori with their work on the door and the Torii gate that symbolizes a transition between two worlds.

It was already getting dark and Matsumoto and Ishinomori went out to gather some wood to make a makeshift bed and some firewood. Tezuka attended to my wounds while Onoda stayed on guard.

We heard sounds of animal growling and shots were heard and human cries. I thought it was probably Matsumoto and Ishinomori and were attacked by alien animals. Tezuka and Onoda took me back to the cave. When we reached the end of the cave, the glowing wall has already disappeared and a cave wall was on its place.

Tezuka and Onoda were hesitant to go outside as there might be wild animals waiting. I must secure the mission and not let anybody steal the riches for the motherland. Tezuka and Onoda might get the same idea of Zaiku and Akui and leave me to the wild animals as they run away with the treasure.

But before I die, I will complete my mission so I used Command to Tezuka and Onoda to leave me and leave the forest. As they obeyed, I closed the wooden door and barricaded. I am happy and contended that I will die completing my mission in a beautiful alien world", the major wrote. Then a final word was written Sayonara.

End of Chapter 10

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