Chapter 12 - The Cabin in the Forest

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As Phi neared the cabin during his return journey, his senses heightened as he observed a troubling scene unfolding before him. Among the dense foliage, armed men wielding bolos caught his attention. In their midst, one man stood out, carrying what appeared to be a young woman draped over his shoulder. Their destination seemed to be a secluded forest clearing, where another individual awaited.

With cautious steps, Phi inched closer to gain a clearer view of the unfolding events. Peering through the shadows, he discerned the ominous sight of six figures cloaked in black robes. Among them, a larger figure loomed, commanding attention. Their congregation encircled a stone altar, a focal point of eerie significance. The two men escorting the young woman directed her towards this grim centerpiece, where she was placed with unsettling deliberation.

As Phi observed, a sense of dread crept over him, fueled by the foreboding atmosphere and the mysterious proceedings. The two men who had guided the captive woman now joined the ranks of the hooded figures, donning the same sinister attire. Their actions transitioned into a haunting chant, resonating through the stillness of the forest, sending shivers down Phi's spine.

In the heart of the clearing, the stone altar became the focal point of a ritualistic ceremony shrouded in secrecy. The figures, now unified in purpose, conducted their esoteric rites with an unsettling solemnity. Each gesture and intonation seemed to carry weighty significance, heightening the tension in the air and stirring Phi's apprehension.

Despite the danger that lurked in the shadows, Phi remained rooted to the spot, his curiosity warring with his instincts for self-preservation. With bated breath, he continued to observe, his mind racing with questions and fears as the macabre spectacle unfolded before him, casting a pall over the tranquility of the forest.

"Cult worshippers. Are they going to sacrifice the young woman?" Phi wondered and remembered the back robe on his knapsack. Phi hastily took out the black robe from the Storage Bag and wore it and a black facemask. Phi unsheathed his bolo.

Phi picked up a stone and throw it towards the cabin. The cult worshipers went silent then two men sent towards the cabin. Some men searched the surrounding in two's. The large black robed figure stayed with the child on the stone altar.

Phi pretended to be one of the black robed cultists and slowly approached the large robed figure, a cry was heard behind him and Phi barely dodged when a bolo was swung at him.

Another cultist swung a bolo at him and parried it. The cultists have training in fighting, probably rebels who were recruited by the cult leader. And they were exceptionally strong and fast, like Phi. Phi was having a hard time defending himself and fighting off eight men with the same strength and agility that he has.

But it turned out Phi was much stronger and faster. It might be because he was from another world. Phi disarmed a man and stabbed him. Phi grabbed the man's bolo and throw it on another approaching cultist. The bolo struck an attacking cultist on the chest and fell to the ground. The hood that covered the cultist revealed a human that looked like a zombie with sharp teeth that Phi later learned was a thrall. Thralls were servants of undead that were fed with their master's blood or flesh. Thus making them extremely loyal to their master and giving them enhanced strength.

The other thralls emerged and converged on Phi with their bolos. Phi with enhanced agility, rushed towards the rushing thralls, grabbing the bolo sticking out of a dead thrall.

Then with swift motions, Phi slashed a thrall hitting it on the neck and with a whirling motion slashed the other on the abdomen. As Phi got closed on another thrall, Phi slashed on the leg with his right and slashed the same thrall on the neck with his left and stabbed the thrall on the back.

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