Chapter 6 - The Bullies

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Time had passed and Phi and his classmates were at their Grade 9 enjoying the high school life. However, an older classmate who got stuck on his Grade 10 due to bad grades and being a border line trouble maker started to bully Phi. Phi was defended by Angel who was about the same age as Orlan the bully but Phi just ignored their teases and insults.

"So silent. What happened wise guy, your mouth can't catch up with your brain?" Orlan jested.

"I'm simply acting my age. Unlike some who has a 17 year body but still thinks like a regular 10 year old." Said Phi.

The remark made the rest of their classmates gasp. Orlan Dorio was a school trouble maker and bully. No one ever answers back to him. Not even the teachers. If Orlan makes trouble, Mr. Atlan Dorio always had the issue settled. Either by money off by threats. Orlan was enrolled as a transferee to the public school as Grade 9 as he called expelled from other schools in the main city and was on his second year as Grade 9 in Kapatagan National High School.

"Okay class, settle down and take your seats", Miss Rizan said as she entered the classroom. Miss Rizan was the most respected teacher in their school and is the one not to give in to bribery or threats. She once warned Orlan if he makes trouble in her class, Orlan better prepare to find another school to transfer to.

"Saved by the bell, little man. You better watch your back from now on", said Orlan.

After the class, Miss Rizan asked Phi to stay as she wants to discuss something to him.

"Phi, do you have an issue with Orlan?", Miss Rizan asked. "A concerned classmate, actually most of your classmates left notes on their class quiz that you and Orlan had an argument earlier."

"No maam. It was just an exchange of opinion. No big arguments at all", replied Phi.

Miss Rizan was silent while looking at Phi. "Nevertheless, I'll walk you home to the forest farm, I would like to talk to your Uncle Ed."

Outside the classroom, Angel, and Rupert were waiting. "Do you want t to accompany you home Phi?" then asked.

"You kids go home. I'll accompany Phi. I have something to discuss with Uncle Ed." Miss Rizan said.

Orlan and his gang were planning to beat Phi outside of the school. But when Orlan saw that Miss Rizan was accompanying Phi, he and his gang left saying that they do it next time.

Going to the forest farm was taking a small animal path to the forest. The road was rocky and hard packed. When they were approaching the forest farm, some men were talking with Uncle Ed. Sensing that something was wrong, Miss Rizan took out her mobile phone and made a video while hiding by a tree.

"Look here Eddie, you can sell the farm to Mr. Dorio. It's an attractive price already. No one would give a better price than him", one man said. "Or else, we don't want something bad happening to you."

"Hey look here, you don't mess around with me. Have you forgotten what happened to your giant buddy?", Uncle Ed said approaching them.

Apparently, it was not the first time they threatened Uncle Ed and beat them instead.

"Look Eddie, Mr. Dorio wants this farm and you can either sell it to him or something bad would happen to your friends and family", said a man.

"Hey hey, don't say bad words here. We're not saying anything bad are we now Eddie. Besides you don't really have friends of family do you?", said the second man.

"Oh, yeah. I heard, a nephew recently lived with you", said the third man.

But before Uncle Ed would lost his patience, Miss Rizan called out "Uncle Ed! I have to talk with you on something!". She gave the mobile phone to Phi and said, "here, keep on recoding until I say so."

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