Chapter 7 - Student Concerns

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The community video showed a young boy walking as a group of kids abruptly pushed him. Despite the shove, he gathered himself and continued forward, only to be grabbed and punched by another boy. Despite falling, he resiliently rose to his feet. However, the situation escalated as the group swarmed him, prompting the boy to defend himself. Suddenly, another boy struck him with a rock, causing him to collapse. The group then beat the fallen boy on the ground. Then the Tanods came and chased the gang as they fled the scene.

The child was swiftly transported to the hospital for medical attention. Subsequently, the surveillance footage from the area was reviewed.

Phi lay in a hospital bed while Uncle Ed and Miss Rizan conversed with a police investigator.

"Mr. Altan Dorio, the elder brother of Orlan Dorio, wields significant influence," explained the investigator. "Numerous complaints have been lodged against his brother, but none have resulted in legal action. Instead, these grievances have been quietly settled. However, in instances where settlements weren't reached, individuals closely associated with the parties involved would often experience what one might call 'accidents.' Despite these suspicions, concrete evidence linking the incidents to the brother remains elusive."

"But we do have video evidence of Orlan and his friends attacking Phi, right?" Uncle Ed pointed out.

"Their lawyer claims your nephew initiated the altercation by insulting and threatening them, so they reacted in anger, citing their immaturity as the reason for losing control. Moreover, they are all minors. At most, they'll receive a reprimand, and Mr. Dorio will likely just feign disciplinary action against his brother anyway," the investigator explained.

"What if I possess a video recording of Mr. Dorio's associates threatening Uncle Ed, implying harm to his nephew?" Miss Rizan interjected, offering a USB drive. "Here's a copy," she added, handing it over.

"That's excellent! It will significantly help our case," the investigator responded.

Phi woke up.

"Hey Phi, how are you feeling," asked Uncle Ed.

"I feel pain all over, but otherwise I'm good", said Phi.

"Oh Phi, now is not the time to act like a big boy", said Miss Rizan with concern.

"A bit of pain but otherwise fine", said Phi then greeted Miss Rizan, "Thank you for being here Miss Rizan."

"Uncle Ed, can we drop the case? I don't want to be the focus on long and exhausting investigation." Phi said.

"If that's what you wish. We might to just settle your hospital bills and some compensation though, but not much. I don't want to owe a favor if it would be too much", Uncle Ed said.

"Besides, we have video evidence of the altercation and Dorio's men threatening your Uncle Ed that they might harm his nephew." Miss Rizan said.

"If proven guilty, along with previous reports of misconduct, Orlan is likely to face suspension from school, or even expulsion," stated the investigator.

In response to the situation, Mr. Altan Dorio, Orlan's elder brother, sent his lawyer to offer a substantial sum of money to settle with Uncle Ed, Phi's guardian. However, Uncle Ed refused the offer, requesting only that Mr. Dorio cover the hospital bills, medications, and provide some compensatory damages.

Additionally, Uncle Ed pursued a restraining order to enforce a distance between Mr. Dorio, his associates, and his younger brother, and himself, Phi, and his farm.

The school ultimately decided to expel Orlan and his friends, given the overwhelming evidence and their history of misconduct.

A local TV news report covered the incident of school bullying, shedding light on the broader issue. Mr. Dorio's lawyer stated that the matter had been resolved and declined further comment.

During Phi's hospital stay, his classmates and schoolmates paid him visits, offering support and companionship. Angel, and Rupert stayed with Phi over the weekends, with Rupert often entertaining them with anime shows. Phi developed a fondness for the isekai genre, finding solace in its themes of being from another world, mirroring his own experiences.

After a week in the hospital, Phi was discharged. Upon returning to school the following day, he was warmly welcomed by his peers. Some classmates expressed gratitude to Phi for standing up against Orlan and his friends, leading to their expulsion. As a result, Phi began to engage more with his classmates, forging stronger connections within the school community.

A general school assembly was called to warn the students about the growing reports of children being abducted. A curfew for children was imposed by the local government unit with children without the company of parents or guardians after 7PM will penalize the parents or guardians.

"What do you think they do with children?" Angel inquired.

"Probably the kidnappers are pedophiles and abuse the children," Rupert suggested.

"Pedophiles who target both boys and girls? It's more plausible they're organ harvesters, extracting healthy organs to sell to wealthy individuals for transplants," Phi theorized.

"Maybe they're modern-day vampires, kidnapping children for their blood," Angel suggested.

"Vampires could easily set up a blood donation institution, ensuring a fresh supply without arousing suspicion," Phi countered.

"What about modern-day aswangs or witches, kidnapping children to consume their organs?" Angel proposed.

"Yeah, like a syndicate of aswangs hiring kidnappers to procure children for them, with the kidnappers receiving protection in return," Rupert added.

"Regardless of whether it's paranormal or not, we should head home early," Phi declared.

"What about you, Phi?" Angel asked, expressing concern. "It's about an hour to the forest house, and you're alone."

"Don't worry about me. Vehicles can't reach the forest farm unless they're using carabaos. Plus, it's impractical for strangers to roam the forest looking for children. It's easier to abduct a child from the road than from the depths of the forest," Phi reassured.

"You have bit of a criminal mind do you" commented Angel.

One afternoon, as Phi was making his way home, he witnessed a chilling scene: a child being forcefully dragged into a van. Sensing danger, Phi's instincts kicked in, and he bolted into the nearby forest to evade the kidnappers.

Huddled behind a large boulder, Phi listened intently as the kidnappers crashed through the underbrush in pursuit. "I think we lost him," one voice declared. "Let's head back," another suggested.

Waiting until the forest fell silent, Phi cautiously emerged from his hiding spot, only to be seized by a lurking figure. "Got you," a voice sneered as a cloth soaked in a pungent substance was pressed over Phi's mouth, rendering him drowsy. Despite his grogginess, Phi summoned his remaining strength and delivered a swift kick to his assailant before fleeing deeper into the forest.

In his disoriented state, Phi stumbled upon a chilling sight: a van parked by the roadside, filled with several abducted children. Before he could react, a kidnapper grabbed hold of Phi, who was already weakened, and forced him into the van and tied and gagged him. Then a limping figure emerged from the forest, cursing and calling out for assistance from his cohorts.

Phi surveyed the interior of the van, his heart sinking at the sight of two other children lying unconscious, bound and gagged. Bottles containing an unknown liquid were in the van.

Determined to break free, Phi summoned all his strength and began kicking at the bottles. One shattered, spilling its contents across the floor. Desperate, Phi reached for a shard of broken glass to cut through his restraints, but as he grasped it, a wave of dizziness washed over him.

As the mysterious liquid from the bottle coated his hand, Phi felt his consciousness slipping away.

"Summon SEKIE," a voice echoed in Phi's mind as he crumpled to the floor of the van, the mysterious liquid seeping into his skin.

"Summon SEKIE," the voice repeated urgently.

Just before succumbing to unconsciousness, Phi whispered, "I summon SEKIE."

End of chapter 7

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