Chapter 17 - The Graduation Gifts / Epilogue

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The conflict between the Lotus Black Group and Dorio Group seemed to be over and the relatively peaceful environment came back in Kapatagan. The Dorio Group has moved out in Kapatagan leaving it to the Black Lotus Group.

Soon a new holding company known as Black Gold Holdings acquired losing businesses and gave them new funding and new life. And unlike the Dorio Group, the Black Gold Holdings offer investments with a flexible plan to make sure the companies and even small businesses would get back on their feet after suffering from the COVID aftermath.

A lawyer approached Phi regarding the forest farm and offered to lease the land for poultry and swine farm. But being a minor, Phi had the court appoint Miss Rizan to be Phi guardian as Uncle Ed was unreachable and the forest farm was left under Phi's name.

The issue of Phi not having a house to come home to was resolved when the lawyer offered Phi to stay on an apartment room that a certain Roni Alterra owns the apartment building.

The arrangement that Phi, with Miss Rizan as the guardian, would be part owner of the animal farm and shall received shares of the income. In turn, an appropriate amount shall be deducted for the apartment rental at discounted price leaving Phi enough allowance for schooling.

Miss Rizan with her attorney friend Juliet found no misrepresentation or disadvantageous for Phi to take the arrangement. With this Phi accepted the deal thru Miss Rizan and Juliet the attorney.

The apartment in downtown Kapatagan became the favorite hangout of Phi's classmates Angel, and Rupert.

"So you are sort of an apartment boarder then" Angel said after discussing the arrangement.

"Well yeah. Sort of. As long as they continue the animal farm." Phi said.

"I heard the animal farm is the major supplier of livestock and poultry products to the restaurants and business here in Kapatagan", Rupert said.

"We buy chicken and eggs that have the logo Alterra Farm", Angel said.

"Yeah. I just show my Alterra discount card for the Alterra products and I get a nice discount." Phi said.

"That Roni Alterra seem to be a nice guy", Rupert said.

"Yeah. But come to think of it. Have you compared the Naked Man with that Roni Alterra guy? Don't they seem to look alike?" Angel said.

"Yeah. But during an interview of some businesses that he was investing, he claimed he was not the guy. That Noir guy even offered to prove that he has smaller Tweety Bird than that of the naked man." Rupert said.

"Yeah I saw that it was very funny. The one who did the interview was the woman reporter who commented about the Tweety Bird after the failed abduction." Angel said.

"She was about to stop live interview when Mr. Alterra stood and grabbed a face towel with a Tweety Bird from his bag." Rupert said laughing.

The whole group laughed as they remembered the replay of the interview.

"So what are your plans after graduation" Phi asked.

"I will be enrolling in HumSS, Humanities and Social Sciences in La Salle. And will be taking up Journalism and Sociology" said Angel.

"Well, I can't afford La Salle but I was pre-approved as scholar in Carlos Hilado Memorial College. I'll be enrolling in HumSS too and take up Education" said Rupert.

"As for me, Uncle Ed sent me this video". Phi said.

Uncle Ed was doing a video in what seemed to be an orchard. "Hey Phi, look at these. These are black pepper vines and they grow beautifully. I have a large plantation here in Aberwick and have signed the exclusive rights to the Merchant Guild in exchange that I be the exclusive producer of black pepper."

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