Chapter 15 - Home Sweet Home in Alterra

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In the next few weeks, Uncle Ed visited his creditors to settle any debts he might owe.

"I'll be returning to Samar and leaving Phi to complete his studies. Phi had just turned 15 and could take care of himself on the farm." Uncle Ed told the police officer who was in charge of Phi's case when he was found by the river.

"Did you won the lottery Eddie?" the police officer joked. "Anyway, I'll look after Phi here."

A few hours before the full moon, Uncle Ed and Phi were at the cavern waiting for the moon wall to appear. Then finally the moment came and the moon wall appeared. Phi went in first to check if it was day and safe. Uncle Ed emerged later as Phi was opening the wooden doors.

"Oh, that felt good." Uncle Ed said as tiny amounts of magicles in the air replenished his Awakened body.

"Looks like it's still dark", said Phi.

Uncle Ed and Phi walked out the cave in Alterran clothes made from the Black Suit. Uncle Ed wore merchant clothes with a merchant bag and a knife, while Phi had a hunter clothes with the Storage Bag on his chest and crossed bolos at his back.

Two moons were high up the sky. "This is indeed Alterra", said Uncle Ed with joy. Uncle Ed drank water from the stream and said "That's more refreshing the last time I was in Alterra." And filled a water bottle with river water.

They heard howling animals from inside the forest.

"Oh that reminds me, we need to set up the Door. I killed some wolves and harvested its materials when I was here the first time.

The leader wolf a monster gem on it and can cast magic skills." Phi said.

"Ah, yes. Monsters who lack magic skills typically don't possess monster gems. Only those capable of casting spells or possessing skills do. However, monster materials like skin and fangs can fetch a good price. And did you know, monster meat can enhance an Awakened's physical abilities?" Uncle Ed said.

"Ah yeah. I found that out when I ate Alterran meat: Phi said and did not elaborate of finding attacked travelers. "I still have some of the wolf meat." Phi tried to conjure the wolf meat from Noir's Spatial Storage then remembered that he has to be Noir to use Noir's skill. "I'll be back. I forgot something." Phi would like his Noir persona secret even with Uncle Ed.

Phi returned to the cave, changed into Noir, retrieved some wolf meat from the Spatial Storage, stored it in the Black Ring, then changed back to Phi and left the cave.

"Here's some wolf meat Uncle Ed. This one is from the wolf leader", Phi said.

"Oh this will do well", Uncle Ed said.

"I'll setup the Door and will be back once I'm done", Phi said.

Uncle Ed prepared the wolf meat with the condiments that he had on his Black Ring.

After some time, Phi installed the enchanted Doorknob on the inside of the cave Door using the monster gem from the wolf leader. Phi tried to go to the Earth cavern door but when he opened the Door, it opened to the other side of the cave Door in Alterra. Then Phi tried the cavern Door to open the cave Door and again opened the other side of the cavern Door on Earth.

"So the Door and Key would only open to the world it was installed on. I wonder how far it would go." Phi said. Then went back to Uncle Ed on the outside of the cave.

"This is your Key and this is mine" Phi said as he distributed the Keys then Phi stored his Key on his Black Ring.

After having breakfast of coffee, bread and wolf meat, Uncle Ed and Phi felt a surge of strength and vigor fill their body. Uncle Ed's Hunter Tag changed color from iron to copper.

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