Chapter One

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Renee's pov
Today was the big day. I finally get to experience the Grammys in person. I have always watched them on tv, but I never thought I would be able to actually go someday.

I was lost in my thoughts until my manager, Adam, told me that we had arrived. Although I was excited, I was very nervous to see so many talented artists.

I stepped out of the car and made my way to the red carpet. It was extremely chaotic with loads of interviewers, workers, and of course artists everywhere. Adam nudged me and told me to get my picture taken and then I would do some interviews.

I got my pictures taken and did a few interviews, but then I didn't really know what to do until I heard a soft voice with a British accent come from behind me.

"Are you nervous?"coming from who I now know is Dua Lipa.

" A little but I think I'll be okay." I reply.

" You shouldn't be. It's really fun here, you get to meet so many talented people."

" That's the part I'm nervous about. I feel like I'm so untalented compared to anyone here."

"That is the dumbest thing I've ever heard you're so talented. Your songs are amazing and don't even get me started on your acting."

"Thank you so much, that really helps."

"For sure. It was nice meeting you, I hope to see you around."

"Bye" I say as she walks off.

"Oh there you are," Adam says. "I was looking all over for you. Well anyway, we have to start heading inside and find your seat."

We head inside and I find where I'll be sitting for the evening and I take a seat. I look around the table to see who I'm sitting with and I see that Billie Eilish will be sitting right next to me. I also see that Dua will be sitting at the table too which makes me relieved since I had already
Eddy met her.

About ten minutes later everyone has sat down, but Billie still wasn't there. The show starts as Trevor Noah starts speaking up on the stage. I was listening closely to him until I hear someone rushing toward our table. It was Billie. She quickly sits down, leans over to me and says, "Hi I'm Billie."

"Yeah, I know. I'm Renee."

"Yeah, I know."

THE Billie Eilish knows who I am. That's so cool.

"Yeah how wouldn't I know who you are. You're so cool." She says.

Oh shit I didn't mean to say that out loud.

"Well I thought it was kind of cute."

"What the fuck, I didn't mean to say that either." We both chuckle and she looks up at the stage where Trever is still talking and I look over at Dua who is smiling looking at Billie and I. We'll definitely have to talk about that later.

I stare off into space for a second until I hear Billie's name being called. She had won an award and everyone stood up to congratulate her. What I didn't expect was for her to pull me into a hug. It was the best hug I have ever had and oh did she smell good. I shook my head thinking about that and told her congratulations. She walked up to the stage and accepted the award. I couldn't focus on what she was saying in her speech, because all I could think about was how soothing her voice was, her plump lips, and how pretty she was. I shouldn't be thinking about this because I literally just met her, but she was just so pretty.

Oh shit, I just met her and I already have a big crush on her.

I Wish (Renee Rapp x Billie Eilish)Where stories live. Discover now