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Kageyama sighed and rubbed his eyes, he was tired from figuring out what to do, he still didn't know what to do, Kageyama walked in the library where he seen Yamaguchi, Tsukishima, and Hinata sitting down at, he wondered when Yachi was going to co...

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Kageyama sighed and rubbed his eyes, he was tired from figuring out what to do, he still didn't know what to do, Kageyama walked in the library where he seen Yamaguchi, Tsukishima, and Hinata sitting down at, he wondered when Yachi was going to come back to school but he'll ask later.

"Kags!" Hinata yelled out and Kageyama sat down by Hinata, he looked at Tsukishima who was writing something down on a paper.

"You wanna come to the park with us?" Hinata asked and Kageyama thought about it for a moment.

"Yeah, i'll go" Kageyama said and Hinata smiled

"It felt like we haven't talked in forever"

"Cause you've been ditching me for Yams now" Kageyama replied and Hinata shoved Kageyama arm.


"Why are yall going to the park anyways?" Kageyama asked and Hinata shrugged.

"Might as well, it's boring" Hinata responded to which Kageyama agreed, he looked at Tsukishima again only to find Tsukishima put the paper he was writing on in his bag.

"I'm going to the vending machine, do you guys want anything?" Yamaguchi said standing up.

"Milk" Kageyama said and Yamaguchi laughed.

"I want a yogurt"


"I'm good" Tsukishima replied and Yamaguchi nodded and went to the vending machine.

"I forgot to add something, i'll be right back" Hinata said and ran after Yamaguchi, Kageyama watch them in confusion.

"They've been super close lately" Kageyama mumbled.

"Right" Kageyama looked at Tsukishima who was on his phone texting someone.

"Um, do you think you could help me with something" Kageyama asked, he doesn't know why he suddenly feels nervous.

"Yeah" Tsukishima responded and Kageyama pulled out a worksheet from his bag.

"I've been stuck on this question" Kageyama showed Tsukishima, Tsukishima looked at it and hummed.

"I'll explain it to you."

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Kageyama walked behind Hinata to the park, Yamaguchi and Tsukishima was already seated on the blanket they had set up, Tsukishima had a strawberry in his mouth.

Hinata sat down the opposite of Yamaguchi and Kageyama sat down beside Hinata.

"it feels so good out here" Hinata sighed and Yamaguchi gave Hinata a grape.

Hinata ate the grape from Yamaguchi hand and Kageyama rolled his eyes.

"I was thinking about having a sleepover at Yachi house" Yamaguchi said and Kageyama tilted his head.

"You mean after this?" Hinata asked and Yamaguchi nodded.

"I'm sure she feels lonely" Yamaguchi responded and Kageyama nodded, he knew that if he was sick and couldn't go nowhere he would be lonely.

"We should do that!" Hinata smiled, he liked the idea.

Kageyama picked up a watermelon nd ate it, he was stressed out all day because he wanted to figure out how to get Tsukishima to open up to him, Tsukishima only opened up to Yamaguchi.

"Kags, are you okay?" Hinata asked and Kageyama looked at Hinata.

"Yeah, why?" Kageyama responded with a question and Hinata frowned.

"I've been calling your name and you haven't been responding" Hinata said and Kageyama furrowed his eyebrows.

"I noticed you've been quiet since yesterday, if it's about the person you like then you know you can talk to us" Yamaguchi stated and Kageyama blushed.

"No!" Kageyama yelled out on accident.

"I mean no, it's not about him, let's stop talking about this"

"Fine" Hinata smirked and wiggled his eyebrows which made Kageyama frown.

"What are y'all talking about?" Tsukishima asked, he just finished his 10th strawberry, and I wanted to die cause what the fuck.

"Uhm the other day when we came back well you was sleep at the time but Kageyama was telling us how he liked someone" Yamaguchi explained and I glared at Yamaguchi.

Tsukishima didn't say anything just stared at Yamaguchi and then looked at me, I adverted my eyes and he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Oh, good luck" Tsukishima responded after a while and put another strawberry in his mouth.

"Well it's getting late so do you guys wanna had to Yachi house now?" Yamaguchi asked and Kageyama wasn't even in the for that anymore but he didn't say that.

"Yeah, let's go!" Hinata yelled out and Hinata grabbed Kageyama arm and pulled his up.

"Boke, I don't think I wanna go anymore, I'm not feeling well" Kageyama mumbled to Hinata and Hinata frowned.

"I hope you feel better and okay i'll make an excuse for you" Hinata said and Kageyama nodded, he rubbed the back of his neck and walked in the direction of his bike, Yamaguchi and Hinata was putting everything up and he guessed Tsukishima was helping.

Kageyama unlocked his bike and he didn't wanna ride it so he just walked the bike, he felt presence behind him but he ignored it until he looked back and seen Tsukishima with headphones in riding slowly behind him.

Kageyama stopped walking and Tsukishima beside him.

"You're following me." Kageyama stated instead of asking.

"So?" Tsukishima mumbled and Kageyama didn't say anything and just got on his bike and started ride it to his house with Tsukishima behind him the whole way.

Kageyama stopped infront of his house and Tsukishima also stopped, Kageyama got off his bike and paused, he turned around.

"Are you trying to kidnap me?" Kageyama asked out the blue and Tsukishima laughed, Kageyama heart fluttered when he heard Tsukishima laugh.

"You're funny, but no. Just wanted to be nice" Tsukishima responded and Kageyama nodded his head as in okay.

"About the person you lik-"

"I don't like you!" Kageyama yelled out, he interrupted Tsukishima and Tsukishima furrowed his eyebrows but nodded his head.

"Ok" Tsukishima responded shortly.

"Tsuki-" "I say just tell him you like him, he won't know unless you just tell him, don't waste your time on waiting on him." Tsukishima interrupted Kageyama and rode off on his bike, Kageyama frowned.

I do like you, i'm just scared that you won't like me back

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