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Today is the presentation day and I feel like a rack. We studied a lot with  Joseph but he's still and Joseph and I am...me. We don't go together we can barely have a conversation not a presentation.

I was walking inside the school yard.

"Bonjour" a voice almost sang at me. It was Jean-Pierre. He's smile was wide and he took hold of my hand trying to give me a kiss on the cheek but I avoided him. He looked confused.

"I haven't told Michelle yet" I explained my strange behaviour.

"So, what's the problem?" He said holding my hand again.

"I am seeing her older brother I am pretty sure I need to talk to her about it before she sees us kissing" I pulled my hand away again.

"Whoah! Are you okay?"

"No, I am very nervous today, I have to do the presentation with Descamps. I'm sorry I didn't want to take it out on you"

"That's okay. And for the matter you don't have to feel nervous you are brilliant! And if Descamps does anything stupid you tell me and I take his other eye out" he joked

"Don't say that it's mean!" I held back a laugh

"It's true though nobody hurts my girl. Anyways have you seen his new leather eye-patch"

"He looks like pirate"

"I know" he smiled.

I noticed Descamps sitting on his regular wall he made eye contact with me and motioned to go over to him.

"Descamps is calling me"

"That filthy pirate! See you after class your presentation will be great"

He said with a smile and walked off. I gather my stuff and went talk to Descamps.

"Hey! Everything alright?" I asked

"Yeah. I wanted to show you the drawing" he said and he pulled out of his bag the most amazing drawing I have ever seen.

"Wow! I didn't know you could draw" I said

"There are many things you don't know about me. So shall we go to class" he suggested and we started walking towards the classroom "So that's the boy you kissed?" He spit out avoiding eye contact.

"I told you I didn't kiss anyone" I said

"Yeah right! He doesn't seem to ignore you..." he trailed off

"I didn't kiss anyone" I said more loudly

"But of course you'll choose him. Mr perfect with his good grades, and pretty face every girl's dream... Not to mention he poke my eye out. Amazing couple Mr. eye-poker and miss can't keep my mouth shut. And your legs I suppose or how could you have a boy like that?"

"Are you done?" I turned back to him my eyes were watery and a tear was running down my face "Can't you be nice for once?" I cried out. I had enough of this,after the presentation I would never speak to him ever again.

"Does his sister know?" I didn't answer "Oh she doesn't, that's great. What a great whore you are secretly dating a boy. Do you have more secret boyfriends Odette?"

I couldn't control my self anymore I slapped him hard across his face. His eye widened he wasn't expecting such a reaction. He slowly raised his hand to touch his now red cheek.

I walked off leaving him behind. This was the last time I would ever speak to Joseph. No. To Descamps

When I entered the class I tried to look as normal as possible like I didn't cried 5 minutes ago. A few moments later Joseph entered the class we didn't even look at each other I suppose he got the message.

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