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We arrived pretty late last night my parents got pretty worried. My mother got very mad, not because I was just late but because our new family member, Alain, would come tomorrow and I hadn't told her earlier.

I slept peacefully at night. Tomorrow morning Jean-Pierre would sent the letter to the school. I would go to speak to Annick I'm sure she doesn't know anything about what had happened in the last few days.

I also had to deal with Descamps, but I don't think I will be the one speaking to him. He should come and apologise if he really wants to. I am no false here...

The morning came pretty quickly and I ran to get my bike to drive towards Annick's house. With the bike the distance seemed way smaller than on foot.

I knocked on her door she answered.

"Odette! What's going on?" She asked me with a smile on her face.

"We found Alain and Michele they will return today"

"Really? That's great news!" Annick is so sweet. " I also have some great news. I got the scholarship from the boarding school!"

"Oh my God Annick these are amazing news I'm so happy for you!"

"I probably won't need though now that we found the couple!" She smiled, she was full of joy.

"Yeah isn't it great"

"We should host a party to welcome them back!" She suggested.

"Yeah, we should tell the others! First we need to find a place..."

Me and Annick kept on rambling about the party. She followed me towards the town. Simone was still away so her basement was out of the plan, we couldn't host a party at my house because my parents would be home.

"We should go uninvited to Pichon's again" I joked

"We'll get him into truble"

I had explained Annick yesterday's plan.We were walking towards the park when we heard someone calling behind us

"Hello girls!" Dupin voice said in a cheering tone. He wasn't alone though he was with Descamps of course. Joseph didn't speak

"Hello!" We greeted back

"So, how did the mission go?" Dupin asked us Descamps eyed my hoping that I would say that I didn't go to Paris yesterday.

"Great actually they're coming back today!" I said and Dupin smiled

Descamps just walked away pretending he didn't care about our conversation. Pretending that we didn't exist.

"Where are you going?" Dupin asked him, he was a few meters away

"I'll see you later" he said and walked away.

If Descamps wanted to play this way then so be it. As I said earlier I wasn't going to make any more effort with him.

"We're thinking about hosting a party" Annick said

"But we don't know where" I added.

"You can come to my place. My parents will be out of town" Dupin casually said

"Really?" I said with wide eyes, who thought that Dupin would be our saviour!

"Yeah, it's just me and my brother. How about we host the party at about 9?"

"Perfect" Annick said

"Tell everyone. I'll spread the word as well" he said and then walked away towards the direction where Descamps vanished few moments before.

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