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"What do you mean girls won't come back next year?" I asked in shock

"After what happened with mrs. Magnan and mr. Laubrac they don't think that having girls at school is a good idea" my dad explained

"Just because Michelle ran away that doesn't mean that everyone will! They had problems at home as well!"

"I know darling but we can't do anything about it" my mum tried to calm me down. There was no way I could calm down I loved this school and I definitely didn't want to go back to my old school.

"Where am I going to go now?" I asked

"We're thinking about a boarding school in Paris... this way you'll be close to your grandparents"

"I don't wanna leave my home, my friends..."

"It's just for a year honey. Is one of the best schools in the country"

I wanted to cry again this day was the worst day ever! I needed someone who would understand me I needed Simone and Annick!

"I-I need to go. I need some fresh air" I mumbled and walked out of the house and towards Simone's.

I knocked at the door and she opened with tears in her eyes.

"You heard?" She asked me

"Yes" I nodded and she followed me outside

"You know all this is happening because of Michelle and Alain right?" She asked me

"Yeah, if only Michelle and Laubrac return. Then the school might change their mind" I said back

"Odette! Did you hear what you just said?" I stopped a listen to try to rethink my words.

"If we find them-"

"Then we had a chance to stay at school!" Simone completed my sentence.

"We should tell the others! Everyone will be glad to help"

"Do you think the boys know?" Simone asked me

"I don't think so. Only the girls received a letter. We need to call Annick too! Do you know we're she lives?"

"No. But Pichon might know! They did the assignment together"

"Pichon isn't in speaking terms with her..."

"He will help us he's nice! I'll go and try to convince him" Simone said

"And I'll tell Descamps to tell the rest of the boys. Tonight we're having our first meeting!"

"We can meet at my basement is formed like a room but no one goes there" Simone said

"Great at 7! I'll meet you at Pichon's!"

We separated our ways. I walked towards Descamps house and rang the doorbell. Then I remembered our conversation in the morning I suppose it was pretty weird showing up at his house a few hours later...

"Oh, hello" he's mother answered

"Ehm, is Joseph here?" I asked her

"Yeah he's at his bedroom. Come inside sweetheart" I walked inside the house "He didn't tell me he was expecting company..."

"He wasn't I just needed to tell him something urgent" I said to the sweet lady

"Don't tell me that he got you knocked up" My eyes instantly went wide.

"No, no!"

"I am just kidding. Almost... I expect everything from that kid. But you seem like a good girl" if only she knew "You'll go up the stairs it's first door on the left."

I started climbing the stairs thinking that this was a bad idea. But I couldn't back down now he's mother would think that I am stupid!

I reached at his door it was closed and you could hear loud music coming from the room. I knocked he didn't answer, I knocked again louder this time.

"One second!" He shouted and after a few seconds he opened the door his eyes instantly widened "Odette!"

"Hi" I awkwardly smiled "can I come inside?" He only nodded moving his head a few times. He walked to the side to let me pass his mouth was slightly open from the disbelief.

He closed the door behind us and started to pick up clothes from around the room in attempt to clean it a bit "what are you doing here?" He asked once he pushed the clothes pile inside the closet.

"I shouldn't have come like that... but I- we need your help Joseph..."

"What happened?" He looked somewhat concerned

"I don't know if you heard but girls aren't going to come next year to Voltaire High. Because of what happened with Michelle and Alain"

"What! No! The school year won't be the same without you!" He walked closer to me "I-I mean all the girls. You like you in plural, not you,you-"

"Anyway" I cut him off putting an end to his suffering "Simone and I had this idea. If we found Michelle and Alain and bring them back then the school might change it's mind!"

"That's a great idea, but how are you going to do that?"

"That's where we need your help. Everyone's help actually. Tonight we'll gather a meeting at Simone's basement at 7 and we want you to tell the rest of the boys"

"Yeah, okay I can do that "

"Great! Thank you Joseph! I should go now I have to meet Simone at Pichon's"

"What's Simone doing at Pichon's?" He asked

"She went to ask him to lead us to Annick's house. Hopefully he knows where she lives" he nodded.

"Wait! I'll come with you. I'll start calling the boys now"

He quickly put his coat on and we walked down the stairs

"Mum, I'm leaving!" He called out. He went to open the door but his mother appeared.

"Why in such a hurry?" He raised an eyebrow at him

"I have to ran some errands" he smiled softly

"Hmhm at 1 o'clock?"

"It's already 1? I am so late. I have to go bye mum! Come on Odette!" He pushed me out of the door and he followed me right after.

He started walking fast until we were away from his house.

"That woman is a nightmare" he muttered.

"I think she's sweet"

"Of course you do"

We reached outside Pichon's house. Him and Simone were already standing outside. Descamps waved goodbye and started his mission.

"So do you know where Annick lives?" I asked him.

"No and I wasn't intending to speak to her at all but Simone somehow convinced me to help you. So I don't know exactly where she lives, but seen the road that she follows after school."

"So, if we follow the road hopefully we find the house" Simone explained their idea.

"We got nothing to lose" I said and we started walking.

"You know Henri, Annick was really upset about what happened between you two I think you should talk to her" I said to the boy and he seemed to consider my words

From now on I'll have a bit more plot in my writing than just romance scenes because I am basically writing the 'second season'. I am sorry if some of you don't agree with my second season plot but I am trying my best😊

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