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"What do you want Descamps?"

He didn't answer he patted the stair surface next to him showing me the he wanted me to sit next to him

"Are you bipolar? First you call me a whore and then you want me to hang out with you?"

I wasn't going to forgive Descamps as easy as I forgave Jean-Pierre. That's because I couldn't find any excuses for his behaviour. He was acting like that since the day I met him.

So, I casually avoided him and started climbing the stairs without acknowledging his existence.

"Odette!" He called but I ignored him "Odette!" He said louder

"What? What do you want?" I snapped at him

"I'm sorry" there no way this is actually happening right now... "I didn't want be a dick and call you names i-"

"Yeah well you were" I caught him off

"Trouble in heaven?" He asked referring to my relationship with Jean-Pierre

"Yeah actually we had a fight because of you!"

"Did you two break up?" He asked his eyes wide but not from the shock there was a different emotion...hope? Could he actually like me like that?

"I don't know" I sighed and sat next to him on the cold marble. I took his cigarette and smoked staring in front of me

"You're smoking? He asked

"Don't speak" I said not looking at him. He stayed silent but I could feel his gaze on me I kept smoking his cig.

"You know... I didn't mean to be this harsh"

"Shhh!" I scolded him I just wanted peace for a while. No fighting, no thinking, no trying to excuse people's behaviour, no trying to excuse my behaviour on them... I wanted time to think.

"It's just-" he started I suppose I couldn't keep him silent. I closed my eyes I decided that I would just listen to him without responding or looking at him. Just listen what he had to say that's it.

"I seem to lose my self when I am around people. I always try to stand out, to be the more powerful of the group, because I don't want to seem weak Odette. This time I took it too far and I am sorry...so,so, sorry Odette... I just feel so much and I can't express my feelings, I can't find a way to do it. So, I use this tough persona as a shield. That day I made you cry I felt like the worst person on earth, I promised that I would never speak like that to you, but I couldn't even keep that simple promise!" I heard a small wavering in his voice.

I opened my eyes to see tears forming on his eyes.

"I can't fix my previous actions but I want to fix this. I want to do the right thing for once! I want to see my mum proud for once..." I tear slide down his cheek " I don't want to be a bad person".

"Descamps are you crying?" I softly asked him and place my hand on his shoulder.

"No" he wiped a tear away from his glistening eyes.

"That's okay Joseph let it out" this seemed to set him free, tears rolled down his cheeks.

"I am sorry Odette! I caused all this drama and d now you're fighting with your boyfriend...all this because I just can't keep my mouth shut. I deserved to lose an eye" he rambled and hugged me.

I was a bit taken aback by the hug, but I felt bad for him. This was his first time ever showing me this type of emotion.

"Joseph" I pushed him back to look at him " you're not a bad person you just act without thinking. And no one deserves what happened to you"

"You don't believe that..."

"Oh, but I do. Besides our fights I've seen other aspects of you. The artist, the person who cares about his friends and a funny lad" he seemed to calm down a bit.

"I'll get better I promise you "

"Don't promise this to me, promise it to yourself" he nodded.

" I will keep teasing you thought and Pichon"

"I wasn't expecting anything less" I smiled at him.

He walked away waving at me. From this moment and on I had formed a different Descamps in my head. Who thought that kid held so many emotions in him. If he actually get better at controlling himself I could use him as a friend. Let's not forget that he was the first person who advised me about Jean-Pierre.

I entered the house still debating on what should I do about Jean-Pierre. They way he talked to me was awful. How could he treat me like that?

Hours passed and soon the night came. It was getting pretty late so I lied on my bed and quickly drifted to sleep.

Suddenly I heard some yelling from outside, from the street. I glanced at my clock. 1am. What's going on. I opened my window that was facing the street and came across the most unexpected sight ever. Today is the day we're facing the unexpected I suppose...

Jean-Pierre was standing in the middle of the road with a small radio singing very very loud the I can't help falling in love with you.

The whole neighbourhood was at there windows glaring at the boy. I could only wish that he wouldn't mention my name.

"- for I can't help falling in love with you. I LOVE YOU " he shouted with open hands and a huge smile. I smiled back at him I couldn't helps my self. I quickly forgot everything that happened today he was just so cute.

This small concert didn't last long though, an old lady from across the street threw a bracket of water making him soaking wet from head to toe.

"Can't someone declare his love in peace?" He turned towards her balcony

She threw the bucket at him to only centimetres away from his head.

"Okay I am leaving I am leaving" he said and quickly took his radio and ran away.

Now the hard part I had to find a way to get away with this from my parents. I mean there just three teenage girls in our street and I had to convince them that the singing boy wasn't referring to me.

I laid back in bed pretending to sleep.

"Was this show for you?" I gather opened the door I pretended to shift a bit.

"Shhh can't you see she's sleeping" my mother whispered to him " she lost the dreaming boy singing" she said and they both walked out.

He was dreamy indeed.

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