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Months were passing by one after the other. First it was February me and Jean-Pierre had a romantic dinner at his house he even cooked. Not the tastiest meal I have ever ate but A for the effort I suppose.

Then it was March it was quite calm I suppose. Everything was chill even at school. Me and Descamps would fight every now and then but there were no harsh feelings in between us. After the whole scene with the flower he was keeping his distance. He wasn't necessarily avoiding me but he wasn't seeking my attention like before.

Then April came the weather was finally warm and we get to wear our shorts sleeves again. The boys would play football in every break, Michelle played too one time she was amazing. She even scored!

We had our Easter break in which I got to see Jean-Pierre more than the Christmas break. We would often walk around the forest we even got back to the lake and we promised to each other that we would come back on summer for a quick swim.

May was pretty chill too. There were many flowers around the yard and I kept making flower crowns for the guys. Pichon wore it with a slight smile on his face, others like Lamaziere said they were to men to wear a flower crown. Descamps belonged in this category too but I wouldn't leave him be...

"Put this on" I tried to place the flower crown on his head

"No" he moved his head and lowered my hands with a huge smile on his face.

"No Joseph you have to wear it" I laughed and placed it back on his head. We were standing really close our faces inches apart. My heart started to beat faster and I took a step back.

"Do I look cute?" He asked with a glint of mischief in his eyes.

"Yeah like a princess" I laughed

"Oh you didn't..." he muttered and started chasing me around the yard.

We had formed a true friendship. As I said he was mostly ignoring me. But there we a few moments like this that made me cherish my decision to forgive Descamps for his awful behaviour.

Then June came and everything seemed to go downhill...

It was a normal day we had chemistry and our professor was handing us our tests

"Marin! 11" he said and gave me my paper "And lastly Mrs. Sabiani with the highest grade!12" he said and everyone clapped.

It was an achievement to score above 10 on professor's Mayers class.

"For our lesson tomorrow I manage to get some frogs to experiment with" he announced and Annick looked like she was gonna throw up.

Me Pichon and Annick were standing in the yard when suddenly Dupin came near us.

"Hey girls could you do some private lessons with me in chemistry since you are so good" he said with a cheeky smile.

"If you get rid of Mayers's frogs" Annick casually said.

"All of them" I added.

"Really?" The boy asked

"Yeah whoever gets rid of Mayers's frogs gets one hour study with me and one with Odette" Dupin smile got even wider.

"Listen guys! Whoever gets rid of the frogs gets one hour of private lesson with Annick and one with Odette!"

Quickly all the boys gathered around us. Whispering about who was gonna make it. The bell rang and we started walking towards the class.

"You really gonna give a private lesson to one of these baboons?" Descamps suddenly showed up besides me and I nodded yes "Why?"

"Because I don't want to murder a frog tomorrow" I said

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